The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh50 - Taishi


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Translator's Note

Yes, the chapter title is the same as chapter 32.

Translator's Note

老子(lǎo zi) i4wEHR



Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I, your father” (in anger, or out of contempt)

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

P (erfv jggbujcais bg pbmeijgis). lATFpd

I felt that none of these fit very well so I kept the pinyin, let me know if you prefer any of the other options an I’ll edit it. I’ll translate this word in different ways later depending on the context.

Translator's Note

心猿意马 (xīnyuán-yìmǎ) a heart like a capering monkey and a mind like a galloping horse—perturbed; unsettled; restless; in several minds; distracted.

Translator's Note

清潼 pdckJw

清 (qīng) clear / distinct / quiet / just and honest / pure / to settle or clear up / to clean up or purge

潼 (tóng) Literary (of clouds) dense/ heavy/ high

Translator's Note

云 (yún) cloud

起 (qǐ) to rise, to appear (among many other meanings) nvAye8

So Yunqi means something like rising/gathering clouds

Translator's Note

云起遮青桐,长风莫添寥 (yún qǐ zhē qīng tóng,  cháng fēng mò tiān liáo)

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Note that 青桐, “parasol trees” is read as qīng tóng and 莫添寥 “could not increase the desolation” is read as mò tiān liáo, they are both homophones.

Desolation is perhaps not the most accurate translation of 寥 (empty / lonesome / very few) but I liked it better. I hope this is correct, feel free to give me constructive criticism.

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

五光十色,千变万化 (wǔ guāng shí sè) r0WZcO

resplendent with variegated colouration; all kinds of…; all sorts of colours; a myriad of varied scenes; (dazzled by) a riot of colours; bright with many colours; different brilliant colours; gay with variegated colours; motley.


千变万化 (qiān biàn wàn huà)

the myriads of changes; kaleidoscopic change; unending changes; ever-changing; be infinite in variety.

Translator's Note

太初 (tàichū) Great/Ultimate Commencement.

Translator's Note

太始 (tàishǐ) Great/ultimate Beginning.

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  1. lmaooo that taishi really fit in the family! ahahahahahahahaha

  2. Haha I wasn’t expecting the divine weapon to talk like that. Thanks for translating!

  3. Okay, that answers my question, it was the male fox xD Or should I call it a throwing weapon? lol

    Yeah, that positions of SD and HYS.. let the people talk xDD

    And OMG that last part ahahaha.

    Thx for the bonus ch (≧▽≦)/

  4. Poor Shi Di gonna be chatting away with the fake he’s got hidden. Also, how did this…thing learn to speak that way lolol.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. Taishi is ehhh… kind of vulgar. How is gonna Qingtong stand it? Hahaha.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. Lol! Nice divine weapon😂😂😂😂😂

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  7. Taishi: m- m-

    Mo Tian Liao: Omg he’s saying his first words! I bet he’ll say Mo Tian Liao, or master, or mommy!

    Taishi: m- m- moTHERFUCKER

    Mo Tian Liao: …

  8. Poor lion. Lost his playmate. 😆

    I was shipping lion x fox, but I guess lion belongs with his master. 😆

    Thank you

  9. The maidservant came in with the wine, just in time to see Milord clutching Hei Yanshi by the hair, causing the handsome man to have to lift up his head, revealing his delicate neck, this looked like…

    When several underlings came in, they saw this scene of the Demonic Lord pressing his demonic pet down on the throne, they hurriedly lowered their heads.

    I wish I could draw so I could see these scenes!! 🤭
    Someone please draw these scenes! I’ll pay you with well wishes and love!🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️

  10. First word spoken by the divine sword : Motherfucker! hahahaha

  11. Poor HYS. He lost out on the meat he was trying to sneak in one of the other chapters and now his playmate is gone. Give this poor baby a break! 😭

  12. SD should be happy his life isn’t besieged by a talking thing. His wanna-be cultured persona would have taken a massive blow of this Taishi was by his side.

  13. I half expected he chose a “Yun” name to lead any possible persuers to the wrong sect (green clouds or something like that), because of their naming conventions.