The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh49 - Sow Annihilation


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Translator's Note

天地 (alācvì) tfjnfc jcv fjgat; eclnfgrf; kbgiv
灵 (iícu) rqlgla
火 (huǒ) fire

Translator's Note

Divine weapon is 神器
器 means tool/ device

Translator's Note

灵智 (língzhì) wisdom although I think it would be better think of it as sapience.

Translator's Note

心境 (xīnjìng) mood / mental state / frame of mind.

Translator's Note

精诚所至金石为开 (jīng chéng suǒ zhì jīn shí wèi kāi)
If you always try your best, someday you will succeed.
Faith moves mountains, sincerity can make metal and stone crack.
From the Buddhist parable of General Stone Tiger.
Here’s a good summary.

Translator's Note

义不容辞 (yì bù róng cí)
One’s sense of honour makes it impossible to refuse; a compelling obligation; a responsibility one cannot relinquish; act from a strong sense of duty.

Translator's Note

灭 (miè) to extinguish or put out / to go out (of a fire etc) / to exterminate or wipe out / to drown
彘 (zhì) swine
刀 (dāo) knife / blade / single-edged sword

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  1. Rolls out in laughter with Mo Tianliao’s naming and aesthetic sense

    Thaaaanks for the updates! 💕 So maaany (。◕o◕。)

  2. So his making sense matches his aesthetic sense lol.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. That name🤣🤣🤣

    Openly flirting with your master!😍

    Thank you so much for the chapter!

  4. What do you want to be the “sow” will be dropped from it’s name? Or change into “soul”? 😆

    Thank you

  5. “and lay down listlessly” The past version is laid. Pretty sure there were a few cases of this the last few chapters too. My bad.

    Thanks for the chapter.

  6. ‘Get used to it, baby’ ahahahahaha that was brilliant. MTL’s shamelessness is sheer perfection.

    Also, the whole situation culminating in the quite above led me to realize something: earlier, when MTL became strangely happy when he realized he’s been treating the cat separately from the human ‘Master’ I assumed he meant that there is still a part of QT he could treat as in the good old days.

    But now, during this chapter, I realized that what MTL really was happy about is that once he noticed this.. split, instead of starting to treat the kitty as the Master.. he will start treating master like the kitty! Hence, ‘baby’!

    This is all just so.. amazing. So detailed and thought through.