The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh34 - In Flagrante


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Translator's Note

This could also mean fierce eyes, but I went for the literal translation.

Translator's Note


Six directions―up, down, left, right, front and back.

Whole country; world; universe.

Translator's Note

通天 (tōngtiān) LJs9nG

Tower into the sky—exceedingly high/great.

Have direct access to the highest authorities.

Translator's Note

The word Beast may sound strange here. The original word for beasts in this novel is 妖兽 and for Beast cultivators is 妖修.

妖 is used for animal spirits, or spirits of objects that have worked really hard to become more intelligent and a lot of times take human form.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

妖(yāo) goblin / witch / devil / bewitching / enchanting / monster / phantom / demon

兽 (shòu)​ beast / animal / beastly / bestial dh5LGb

修 (xiū) cultivator

Page on Yaoguai on Wikipedia:

Translator's Note

孟 (mèng) eldest among brothers and sisters; first month of a season.

虎(hǔ) tiger; brave; vigorous; to put on a fierce/angry look. r2JKNX

The character for fierce/ ferocious is 猛 (měng) wich is very similar to the 孟(mèng) in his name.

Translator's Note

墨雄Mo Xiong.

黑熊 (hēixiónɡ) Black bear.

墨 (mò) Means china ink, among other things. dJjcOi

黑(hēi) Means black, among other things.

As you can see, both of these characters look very similar.

Translator's Note

轩辕 Meaning Yellow Emperor or the star Regulus.

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  1. Look, Master is in my arms! Omg ahahaha he’s such a proud husband i kennot..

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. Another chapter! YEY! Thanks!

    Poor Meng Hu is too naive! Between those two… he’ll be bullied for sure. 🤣

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Omg 2 chapters in 1 day! Thanks to the translator and Mello!

  4. Thank you for translating this work, I’ve really been enjoying it! I hope your fur babies 🐱are feeling better. ❤️

  5. Lord Kitty just behaves like always, regardless of human or cat form. And MTL is just like “Aaah my kitten :3” and then “M-M-Master stare” lolol

    Thx for the bonus ch (≧▽≦)/

  6. Oh, So be cause demonic beast cultivators devolop beautiful human forms the sect set up a rule that ‘only beautiful people can be accepted’ when it truth only none humans can be accepted into the sect! That’s a smart cover up!! So our MC becoming a tree was a good thing lol