The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh14 - Sect Leader


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Translator's Note

盏茶功夫: meaning the time taken (to do something) is very short, equivalent to the duration of drinking/making a cup of tea. googled it and one chinese website said it was about 10-14.4 minutes

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一炷香: 10-15 mins

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刻刀: burin, a steel-cutting tool used in engraving, from the French burin.

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水沉木: a special type of wood submerged in water

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禁制法阵: array to forbid people from entering

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本座: benzuo, lord kitty is referring to himself hhh so cute!

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传声符: basically like a letter, just it’s voice recorded. sort of like a howler (for all those hp fans), but no angry screaming. no technology yet, but so high tech!

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isn’t his real name, it’s a title but i guess the author shortened qingtong zhenren to qingtong sometimes as it’s too long

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正道, direct tl right path, basically not cultivating the demonic path

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仙风道骨: an aura that is very different from normal people

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安神: to calm the spirit/soul

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吞了个小丹门: swallowed a small dan door. i seriously have no idea how to translate this or what it means, but i did my best based on context…

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息事宁人: basically to put the matter to rest and to make peace between the parties

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老三: chinese term for third one/child

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凝神: condense the spirit

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视死如归: to treat death as your home, to be unafraid of dying

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窗户纸: olden time windows are made from paper, like this

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  1. Lmao so the wolf was the sect leader? And xiaozhao really is the king in the whole sect to even be able to outright bully the sect leader! xD

    Also, isn’t shichen 2 hrs so wouldnt half a shichen be an hour?? I’m not completely sure I’m correct tho…

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Thank you for the chapter! Hehe, Lord Kitty is so cute 😀

    Maybe that line about the Qingyun Sect “swallowing a small dan door” is supposed to mean that they annexed the territory of a small sect of alchemists?

  3. Poor Sect Leader! Mo Tianliao throws stones at him, Lord Kitty snatches precious pills from him, the third Peak Master abandons him… One would really start howling from the injustice! 😂

    Thank you for the chapter! ❤

  4. I really wonder how their relationship (the sect leader and kitty zhenren) was made.. ahahaha.. kitty-shizun is such a bully xD

    Thanks for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  5. The sect leader is the Wolf!!!! Then… Mo Tianliao was bullying the big boss! Fortunately he has Lord Kitty at his side, otherwise…

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. I knew it!! The dog is the sect leader ahhahha😂 poor sect leader, bullied by xiaozhao so badly

  7. I did not expect for the wolf to be the sect leader lmao😂

    Btw, which sect is Qingyun sect again? Is it one of the Green Cloud or Flowing Cloud sects? Kinda confused about that part-

    Thank you for the chapter!!💜

    • I am two years late, but answering just in case someone else is also wondering: Qing means blue/green and yun means cloud, so I guess it’s the sect that was previously translated as Green Cloud Sect.

  8. lord kitty’s entrance is always top-notch!! it was like, there’s this white shadow that goes whooosh and in a blink of an eye there’s this beautiful person sitting elegantly in front of you

  9. Called it! Xuanji is probably the fox by the entrance. Oh, that girl by the entrance never appeared again.