The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh13 - Refining Weapons


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Translator's Note

赤阳: red sun

Translator's Note

煅天: celestial sky. original translator left mo tianliao’s title as lord duantian hence i’ll also leave this in pinyin form 

Translator's Note

imagine this but more red i guess

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olden day kind of table

Translator's Note

阵盘: array, essentially magic circles which cast a continuous area-of-effect spell on the location the formation encompasses. (source: wuxiaworld)

Translator's Note

竹简: bamboo scroll

Translator's Note

鼎炉: looks like this, couldn’t find any other word that fit orz

Translator's Note

魔: magic/demonic, there are many translations for this so i’m leaving it in pinyin form 

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Translator's Note

attendant to his shizun 

Translator's Note

姐姐: jiejie 

Translator's Note

变异冰: meaning he can change water to ice and vice versa

Translator's Note

 丹田: core where qi is concentrated, don’t confuse with duantian!

Translator's Note

to clarify, it’s sort of like larva from the melted stone

Translator's Note


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  1. I feel that little kitty is ‘helping’ him. Such a cute kitten slave.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  2. The Master and disciple are really so cute! 🤗

    As to the reason why the kitty is currently sleeping so much – is it because he couldn’t sleep well while Mo Tianliao wasn’t around so now he’s making up for lost time?

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌸

  3. Lol the kitten is really needy (unlike someone) hahahaha

    Thanks for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇

  4. it’s the first time i read how to make a space storage. a story about a blacksmith is refreshing indeed. not only about meditating for years or fighting around.

  5. It’s interesting how this novel reminds me of Douluo Continent (Soul Land) and The Return of Mount Hua Sect. It’s like a mix of both titles.

  6. As a person who likes to sew, I am very familiar with cats who come to “help” in the middle of the process 😂😂😂