My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayChapter 43.2


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Translator's Note

They don’t ever really specify who “they” is. I’m assuming that the relationship between the Duke and the Crown Prince was pretty good, so the Duke was able to leave the army under his command to the Crown Prince.

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  1. They’re being distressed together :’D And yeah, it’s time to confess the matter about DZ.

    Urgh, can’t she just leave? And yes, it’s funny how the female charas in BL are mostly those strange living things xDD

    Thx for the ch \(≧▽≦)/

  2. ding dong the witch is dead…


  3. At the time like this, u need a salt! Where’s the salt? I need salt now, to throw at the evil thing out to the street..

  4. Ugh the crazy mother was so annoying!

    How dare he go to their house and scold TangWan.

    Thank you for the chapter

  5. Personally, I like working, strong and supporting women as mother-in-laws in bl novels tho I have yet to see one. I’m not against any other type of parents too unless they’re dumb and nonsensical. But damn, this woman, she really needs to STOP IT and she’s only been in this chapter so far! She needs treatment. Period!

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  6. B#tch say what now?! Aww hell no! Mofo did not say what I think she said!!! Peeps better not stop me from smacking this ho to oblivion. Truck-sama where you at ho! I need ya to run a b#tch over.

  7. I don’t understand why the author keeps writing things without doing any proper research. She clearly doesn’t understand mental illness very well, but knows just enough that the mother’s behavior sounds very similar to a real illness. This woman not receiving treatment is something to feel empathy for, no matter how horrible her behavior. The lack of empathy in the comments is also disturbing.

    • For sure, it is baffling how they didn’t try harder or forcefully commit her to treatment. She was an adult, yes, and I’m sure the laws there are all kind of weird, but she was a danger to herself and her child, had already harmed him even, so them sweeping all this under the rug just because she was the princess is kind of seriously appalling.

      That said, I don’t think most commenters are consciously being unsympathetic to the fact she’s clearly ill, but they just can’t forgive the way she treated the marshal as a child and thus she is held in contempt for her own actions. Because, after so many years, it is also on her.

      Mental illness combined with the trauma she received at her husband’s death is cause enough for her behaviour to do a 180, that’s both understandable and expected. However, that behaviour went on uninterruptedly for years and she allegedly never tried to change or cooperate with the treatment offered even once. It’s not like she was out of options and when you get to the point of repeatedly endangering your child’s life you really need to take a step back and reevaluate yourself. Unless she suffered from a total break from reality, in which case she really shouldn’t have been allowed unsupervised alone around anyone, then she was at some level conscious of her actions and refused to take responsibility. That is what makes her ultimately unlikeable in my opinion, aside from her prickly potato of a personality.

      Being ill is just an explanation for your situation but that doesn’t make it an excuse to do whatever you without thinking of consequences.

      (all that said, sorry for the essay, I’m not sure what came over me


  8. Dear translator not all mother in law just read the film emperor’s daily live cooking broadcast, the mother in law there is an awesome woman who acts like the MC is her kid and favors him more than her actual son 😂

  9. ZH is so sweet when he admits that his pride is not as important as TW’s mood, if only we had more men and women like that in irl.


  10. Tang tang should reply to her like “What type of mother are you? Oh, sorry, you arent fit to be a mother anymore. Leave, this house doesn’t need a visit from someone like you” XD

  11. What the actual f*, the woman is insane, jus twhen I thought Lin Bo finished recalling all the abuse, HE CONTINUED AND CONTINUED. Poor ZhongHe 😭💔

  12. This witch is always the worst part of this novel to me (and the other family too) . Go be evil and crazy by yourself, don’t drag other people. The way that the Emperor (past and present) just hand-waved this abuse is so disgusting. Lucky for them that Zong He didn’t die of go crazy.😡