My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh12 - I’ll Make a Little Skirt For You


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  1. someday, pretending to be “Da Zhuang” is gonna bite him back lol

  2. Wasn’t this two married couple being too pure. I want to see the tiger eating meat~

  3. ZH has to be one of the most meng MLs I’ve ever seen. Whenever he is disgusted and rejects TW in cat form, I imagine a fluffy and cute cat putting its nose in the air, flicking its fluffy tail and walking away. It seems so savage yet adorable!
    And yeah, you’re rjght. They’ve gone to bed plenty of times but they have yet to have their wedding night. I hope this means that it’ll be extra spicy when it comes.

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  4. The kitten scratched gently at my heart. XD XD XD


  5. Y’know, before I started reading CNs, the words ‘continue treatment’ sounded perfectly normal to me. Now I crack up every time cause it sounds like the person is mental. 🤣🤣🤣

    Thanks for your work translating this!
    Marshal is so meng, no matter what form he’s in. 🥰🥰🥰

  6. Ah i wanted to see the scene of the kitten trying to catch fish. I found on YouTube but he caught the fish. Tho it looked cool hunting i feel sry for the koi. Thx for the translation

  7. This really doesn’t seem like any ‘pet shop owner’ I’ve ever encountered. For one thing, pet shops aren’t a good place to get cats or dogs. They tend to be from kitten and puppy mills, where the animals are kept in horrible conditions and what you get is likely to be unhealthy. For another thing, a pet shop owner who dislikes animals that don’t have fur? Snakes feel amazing to touch. I have three Royal Pythons. They are soft, velvety-smooth, and warm, as pleasant feeling as any furred animal. Turtles, lizards, fish… all of them are great pets. Koi actually like to be petted, as do some other fish, and are very interactive. Even invertebrates can be good pets, to the right person (not me, no thank you, but that doesn’t mean I distain them). I’ve always found people who dress their animals up like they’re dolls rather repulsive, personally. I pity the animals. One more thing… bathing a furred animal too often is extremely bad for their fur.
  8. Zong He is such a charming ML, maybe it’s because he’s in recovery, but he actually spends time with Tang Tang. He’s also hilariously expressive.