The Wife is FirstCh9 - Gifts of Thanks


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Translator's Note

Wives of nobility often helped run the household, which is why being good at accounting and the like is helpful.

Translator's Note

Simple Chinese porridge with a different kind of grain. I quite like the texture of it~

Translator's Note

Mu Hanzhang said “really thank you” rather than “really thank Wang Ye”

Translator's Note

Agate looks like this, so it’s like an elegant way of saying his ears were red/flushed

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  1. Ugh, dammit.
    Jing Shao is making me feel giddy, I want to slap him.
    Poor Jun Qing.
    I can’t imagine how anxious and awkward he must feel XD

    an update!!!!

    Thanks so much for this!

  3. These two are… so cute. I really like both of them. Also, it’s really enjoyable to have a story that has both MC and ML perspectives instead of just one.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. OMG thank you for the update!!! 😀 /reads first before commenting about the chapter

    • Ackkk they’re both so cute it’s killing me. As for Concubine Qiu, she’s very sensible and practical, which is only to be of expected. But I hope Jing Shao can win over his mother-in-law soon.

    • Awwww the love between mother and son 😢😢💕 not forgetting the love between our newlyweds tho 😉😉 thanks for the chapter~

  5. .(๓´͈꒳`͈๓).❤ JQ begins to lower the guard without realizing it and JS taking advantage of the moment

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕💕💕

  6. THANK YOU FOR UPDATING!! seriously love this novel

  7. Thank you for the chapter. Jing Shao has to work hard to gain the trust of his Wang Fei…or maybe not?

  8. AHHHHHHH they’re so cute…. I can’t handle it, so sweet I might get cavities

  9. HHHH so cute!!!! thank you for this chapter!!! 💖💖💖

  10. Mu HanZhang’s mom is right in giving Advices to her son, but this time she’s wrong about Jing Shao getting bored of his Wang Fei in the future.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. I’m re-reading this because of the manhua, I cant believe uts been 2 years already

  12. i’m glad that the story already started with jing shao redeeming himself. i might have hate him if his attitude in the previous life was narrated, how he treated jun qing badly.