Master of Trading Star Card GameCh62 - Unstoppable Uncle Chubby


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Translator's Note

Player Kill. Refers to player-vs-player combat vs player-vs-enemy combat

Translator's Note

Another name we haven’t seen in a while. This is Feilina’s friend from the previous chapter, who is also the black market vendor who initially bought Wu Song from Xie Mingzhe

Translator's Note

This is the sound of a sigh or exhale. I couldn’t really think of a good onomatopoeia for it in english so I just left it in pinyin.

Translator's Note

Kind of an odd concept here that doesn’t translate exactly. The word used here implies a sort of ability beyond expectations. It’s commonly used to describe when animals act in an uncannily smart manner, as if they’ve developed a special intelligence beyond that of a mundane animal.

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