Thriller TraineeCh148 - The Truth of the Town of Evil

Zong Yiyuan’s words were like a bolt from the blue, instantly stunning everyone.

The first thing everyone thought of was the incident last night. lAtcex

The first to react was another trainee.

This trainee’s hand also only had five lines of sin. Yesterday night, only he and Zhong Yiyuan had eliminated a line of sin. Everyone else was still the same as before.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Soon, he also discovered something was not right. Additionally, he further confirmed Zhong Yiyuan’s guesses.

“Wait. Where’s my grandma? Where did my grandma go?” BZRhCf

[F**k, f**k, f**K. Is the original intention of this instance to have trainees sever their ties with their loved ones and kill them to stay in this instance?]

[Good heavens. Even if you know they’re fake, it’s impossible to kill your relatives with your own hands. Plus, these NPCs even have their memories… In other words, this is no less than killing them yourself, *sigh*]

[I just knew that this S-rank instance wouldn’t be that simple. Earlier, I was already in doubt. How could the system be so kind as to let trainees retire from the competition and stay here? If, at any time, they regret and chose so, they could even return to the infinite loop. In the end, you have to kill your relatives in order to stay. I’m truly speechless.]

The NPC who was being questioned by Zhong Yiyuan wiped their tears, “Child, we won’t blame you. If our lives can exchange for you all living, we are truly willing from the bottom of our hearts.”


The other NPCs also silently nodded. Their gazes towards them contained indissoluble kindness.

Zong Jiu frowned, “You all mean that the black shadows last night were you all? We can only eliminate sin by killing you?

“No. It’s not like that. The people yesterday aren’t us… At least, it isn’t completely accurate to say it that way.”

The nun who had been silently standing off to the side opened her mouth. JIY1K

She drew a cross on her chest, “Humans are born with sin. These sins and evils are inherent. We can’t get rid of them. However, if that’s so, none of us would be able to pass Judgement Day.”

Everyone calmed down and listened to the nun slowly narrate.

This had to be traced back to the origin of this S-rank Judgment Day instance.

A year ago, an angel delivered an oracle. He told everyone in the little town that the end of the world will come in a year. 5R8JwT

Before the end, God decided to cast judgment, deciding everyone’s fate. Those with sin would be condemned to hell. Those without sin would ascend to heaven.

As everyone knew, people were born with sin. It was the same as how there were always shadows under the sunlight. It was like shadows and followed them. People couldn’t get rid of them.

If it was like this, all humans would be unable to pass judgment. They were destined to be smashed by fire from the skies, engulfed by magma, and fall into hell.

The people in the little town were extremely panicked and alarmed. They knelt all day long at the cathedral, confessing, repenting, praying, and hoping God would be able to give them a chance. fsu9 i

Maybe it was truly God’s benevolence, or maybe it was the piousness of the townsfolk. On a certain day, a young pope was born in the town.

On the day the little pope was born, bright lights descended from the sky.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vlcmf tf kjr ybgc, tf tjv atf jwjhlcu qbkfg ab filwlcjaf rlc. Cr ibcu jr atfs mbcofrrfv ab tlw, atfs mbeiv jmmbwqilrt atf ubji bo filwlcjalcu rlc. Ccv atf ilaaif qbqf ofia mbwqjrrlbc obg atf qfbqif. Kter, tf erfv tlr qbkfg ab tfiq atf gfrlvfcar bo atf abkc, rqilaalcu atf ubbv jcv fnli qfgrbcjilalfr.

Since then, the Town of Evil came into being. Ha3g5n

The Town of Evil existed in reverse of the Town of Good. It was a mirrored reflection of the Town of Good.

Not only were the buildings symmetrical, but the townsfolk were also the same.

Because the residents of the Town of Evil were the evil personality of the Town of Good’s residents.

The good personality contained humanity’s most bright side with the seven virtues that angels advocated and praised. n84spv

The evil personality contained humanity’s darkest side. It was precisely in line with the dogma of hell and the devil, the seven sins.

After splitting the personalities, the residents of the Town of Good forever lost their shadows. For there are no shadows under the light. Even angels had no shadows.

The nun slowly said, “That way, once Judgement Day has come, we can pass the judgment of God and Jesus Christ, ascending to heaven. And the evil personality residents will bear that share of guilt on our behalf, paying for their sins in hell.”

Anthony realized something. With a bad expression, he said, “When we entered this instance, we also lost our shadows. Did we also split off an evil personality?” 93kdcY


The nun who was wearing a black cloth over her head nodes, “The purification power of his holiness the Pope is too strong. To prevent the residents of the Town of Evil from breaking free of their binds, his holiness expanded the range of his powers to the entire town. However, you guests are outsiders who came from another space. This method of splitting personalities doesn’t apply to you. It’s just that since you entered this town, everyone’s evil side will be temporarily suppressed, transforming into seven black lines of sin.”

“Which is why it was said that as long as you eliminate the black lines on your wrist, you could pass through Judgement Day.”

Ultimately, eliminating black lines followed the same principle as separating the personalities of the Town of Good’s residents, different routes leading to the same goal. j3Tcpm

At present, her gaze was filled with apologeticness, “I’m sorry. Because everyone’s emotions weren’t the best yesterday, we chose not to tell you right away. Please believe we hold no malice.”

At this point, everyone suddenly realized.

Since entering this instance, all the trainees’ emotions were a bit off.

It wasn’t solely because their memories were unlocked. Rather, they became more emotional. zQvjcU

The scarier part was that they couldn’t form any evil.

If it was solely for the sake of surviving, under the premise of knowing that all the NPCs in this instance were fake, slaughtering wasn’t a difficult thing to accept.

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Because their evil was all suppressed, the remaining goodness wouldn’t allow them to give birth to any maliciousness.

At the very least, they wouldn’t be like the current Zong Yiyuan. He fell to the floor on his butt as if he had lost his soul and then started loudly crying. eXyoD0

[My god… I knew the trainees in this instance were a little overly controlled by their emotions. I didn’t expect it was because of this.]

[Even emotions can be controlled. Mom, I retract what I said earlier. The outside world collapsing really isn’t a big deal. Myself collapsing is the scariest.]

[If they want to pass Judgement Day, they need to keep the good personality. That’s not right. Without all their personalities, even if they pass Judgement Day, it’s a hidden danger after returning to the trainee dormitory. Good and evil are both necessary parts of humanity. We cannot do without either. If they choose to stay in this instance… forever staying good, okay. We can only say there are pros and cons to every decision. At least they won’t lose their lives, no?]

On the other side, all the trainees’ heads were a mess. They could only listen to the nun continue her words. DmbVs6

“As for last night… Midnight is the time when the night and day intersect. With the addition of the rainwater on the ground, it created a mirror effect. As such, the Town of Evil personalities escaped.”

“Why do the evil personalities want to escape?”

The nun sighed, “They want to pull the Town of Good’s people down with them.”

Actually, it was understandable because the evil personality was also a part of being human. It was suddenly separated out, and no one would be willing to fall into hell and pay for their sins in hell on behalf of the good personalities. Moreover, they were both personalities, but the other could ascend to heaven. Wasn’t that too unfair? bVX6fK

Hence, before Judgement Day, the evil personalities would frantically and crazily pour out for the sake of pulling the Town of Good’s people down with them.

“Because the good and evil personalities are connected, if the evil personalities are hit with the purification gun, the corresponding good personality will also disappear. So far, we only know of such a way for outsiders to atone for their sins and eliminate the black lines on their wrists.”

The NPC’s expression was bitter, “We only need to confess to the pope. However, outsiders must eliminate evil to offset their sin.”

They were all willing. Tp1B2d

Willing to be killed by the trainees and use their sins to offset the trainees’ sins. They were completely without complaints.

[Which means to say, isn’t this instance’s difficulty even tougher? If you aren’t willing to choose the first main task, then you can only choose the second main task to destroy the instance. Great going. The two lines were all from harming their family members.]

[Then add on the emotional part. Right now, all the trainees are their good personalities. It would be strange if they could do such a thing.]

[Am I the only one who has been curious the whole time why the Magician doesn’t have any lines of sin on their wrist? Now, after hearing the instance NPCs explain, I’m more confused. Unless the Magician was born without sin??? That’s not realistic, right?] LdBaCO

[This instance also has another NPC. It’s that cute little pope. He also doesn’t have any black lines. But I’ve been curious too. What do the little pope and the Magician have in common?]

[Such as… looking handsome.jpg (Don’t hit me)]

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There wasn’t a single issue with the NPC’s explanation. There wasn’t even any concealed information.

Zong Jiu put away the tarot card. acpbHv

Just then, the trainee who had been unconscious since last night and had merged with the evil personality woke up.

He looked very lost and confused about the situation because he wasn’t injured nor did he have any negative reactions.

Except, the nun very regretfully told him that he was destined to not pass Judgement Day.

“Why?!” i5kO38

The trainee who regained their shadow jumped up from the ground, “Why do you say we won’t be able to pass Judgement Day?”

He wanted to complete the main task and stay in this instance. However, he got a bucket of cold water poured on his head at this moment.

“If we were possessed by our evil personalities, we could find the pope for help. But we have no way of splitting off the evil personality of outsiders…”

The nun bitterly smiled, “Maybe, you can choose to kill a few more of your family members and see if you can split out the evil personality that had merged into your body?” hwQvWM

The other people’s hearts tightened, especially the trainees who planned to stay in this instance.

If they wanted to stay, they not only had to kill NPCs who looked exactly like their family members, but they also had to be careful not to be possessed by them.

Zong Jiu folded his hands and coldly said, “How about we choose to complete the second main task?”

Even the NPC nodded her head in agreement, “If you chose the main task, there are enough explosives in the town. As long as you clear out the evil personalities, you could kill us too.” EbwfUt


“W-we can’t choose the second main task!”

Immediately, there were trainees loudly opposing, and those voices were the minority.

Everyone was talking nonstop, “There’s no need to destroy the instance, right? There’s finally a way to retire from the competition midway. There won’t be another chance after this one.” riMoZx

“Indeed, even without mentioning how hard it is to destroy this instance, we clearly still have another choice. We should at least consider everyone’s opinions.”

There were even trainees who quietly said, “Jiu-ge, with your strength, after returning to the trainee dormitory, you can definitely become one of the last living one hundred people. But our abilities are limited. It’s not that we want to become cowards, but we truly don’t know if we can survive until the end.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“That’s right. Jiu-ge, although everyone is willing to follow you, this issue is really… We only want to live.”

“Jiu-ge…” GYday8

Countless pairs of eyes were directed toward him as if begging him.

Among them were trainees who had followed him since Famine Village. There were also class nine classmates who fought with him shoulder to shoulder in the First High School instance, and there were teammates who he ran around with in the Happy Halloween event.

As such, there’s no need to say anything more. Zong Jiu had long guessed this result.

Humans always stood on the side of their interests. No matter how united a group was, as long as different interests are involved, they would always become strangers in the end. If they forcefully hung on, it would probably lead to internal division and conflict. ujF6Qc

If it came to that point, it would be too ugly.

Worst comes to worst, he could complete this team instance as if it was a mole instance.

Destroying this instance, he could do it by himself.

The Magician’s task was to ensure that everyone survives this instance. As for their wishes, in this instance where their emotions were controlled by the system, it didn’t matter. jtJ51C

Zong Jiu sighed internally and indifferently said, “I got it.”

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  1. System control everything

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

  2. These people are so silly… I know in their situation even I would be confused, but they’ve been through so much and they know the system would never be so kind, they believe they would survive by staying…

    But at what cost? Whether they wanted to or not, they would kill the person they most loved.

    Would they be weakened over time and if the unexpected occurs?Anyway, humans are beings who often forget that not only can they be evil

  3. Destroy the instance dude it was obvious that they got only one choice since destroying the instance is a mission itself