Thriller TraineeCh125.2 - The Magician Got Targeted


The D-rank trainee whose ankle was caught screamed and his hand lifted to pick up a talisman and slap it down. nRoG38

This move curbed the bone hand’s further actions, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that he had almost lost his ability to run.

“Get away from the flower bed!” Zong Jiu called out and everyone ran after him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After leaving the flower bed and running to the center of the square, Tsuchimikado rubbed his nose with a hint of vigilance in his eyes, “I didn’t feel any aura just now.”

Not only him, but even the psychics in the rest of the trainee team didn’t feel it. oKfn7W

The teams looked at each other in dismay and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

If all perception was useless, then it could be assumed that these ghosts would be hard to guard against.

No wonder they had to set up safe houses, no wonder it was called a massacre escape event, the catch was all here.

[You thought you were on the fifth floor, but in fact, you’re on the first floor. System, so absolute]


[If a psychic’s perception doesn’t work, that’s a bit too much… The hand in the flower bed just now really scared me, it’s impossible to prevent it]

[Go to the live stream room in Area 2, it’s the same. They stood all fine and well and suddenly someone patted their shoulder, they turned around, their head rolled to the ground. Perception is useless]

While the discussion in the live stream room was in full swing, the system finally announced the safe house location for the first hour.

[The first safe house: The Big Turntable, the effective time limit of the safe house: 50 minutes] SRfnBV

[The safe house will lose its effect after 50 minutes, please pay attention to the transfer of trainees]


There were many large Turntables in the entire amusement park, among which the central Turntable in Area 1 was a huge one that could accommodate nearly 1,000 people.

Without Zong Jiu speaking, the three teams prepared themselves. m564V2


The Magician flipped the skateboard down with a raise of his arm, stepped on it firmly, and charged forward with lightning speed.

The combination of the Magician and skateboard really didn’t match, but Zong Jiu’s movements were very agile, he was practically glued to his skateboard, able to balance well even with his hands in his pockets.

They rushed from this main road to another pathway at about the same time. saITFg

The lights here were dim and there was only a jack-o-lantern floating up and down in the middle of the road. The mailbox on the corner of the street had been splashed with a bucket of scarlet sticky blood at some point and its corners were still dripping, splattering blood like blooming flowers.

Halfway through, Zong Jiu suddenly stepped on the skateboard and braked.

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The other trainees also stopped, stood back to back, and looked around.

Vevvfcis, ecvfg atf rlifca vjgx rxs, rdefjxr yegrafv bea, rfcvlcu mtliir vbkc atflg rqlcfr. CHdhEF

“Jjgfoei! Helmx, vemx!” Ktlr alwf, la kjr Kremtlwlxjvb ktb rtbeafv bea.

Ktf fnfca tjqqfcfv ojrafg atjc atf kbgvr. Gbhfcr bo yijmx rtjvbkr oijqqfv atflg klcur jcv jqqfjgfv, uilvlcu bcf joafg jcbatfg abkjgvr atfw, atflg fsfr fzevlcu j afggloslcu ugffc iluta jujlcra atf yijmx rxs.

Zong Jiu’s eyes narrowed and he immediately lit the fire talisman in his hand and tossed it towards the sky.

The bats that wanted to fly down immediately got hurt and made sharp screeches. Some of their wings were brushed by fire and they no longer dared to provoke them. They flew away towards the darkness farther away. HAyE48


Xu Su held the hard-earned supernatural camera in his hand. The camera was aimed at the corner of the street and his voice shook.

It wasn’t strange that he looked frightened as the dark shadow that appeared on the street corner stretched more and more across the floor tiles.

The first thing that appeared was a spinning chain, followed by the teeth-grinding screech of a machine starting up. CFYU4p


Very quickly, everyone found out why the chainsaw made this noise.

Because the end of the chainsaw was slashed into the throat of some poor sod. Not only was his throat slashed in half, but the owner of the chainsaw also pressed his head against the sawblades until the steel teeth dug into the scalp. The skull was cut open, revealing the red and white contents inside.

And because of the sound they made to drive away the bat swarm, the big guy in the shadow holding the chainsaw looked over. He let out a dark grin, tossed away the head of the unlucky trainee, raised up the chainsaw, and ran towards them. I1jf v

“It’s the chainsaw maniac, run!”

This road was the most convenient path from the square to the central Turntable. If they took a detour, they had to go farther.

Zong Jiu kicked the ground and the skateboard quickly turned in place, heading towards a side path.

At the same time, since he didn’t know whether there were ghosts or not on this path, he simply raised the Soul Repelling Bell he had obtained from the Famine Village instance and rang it as he raced into the darkness. v 83zL

Behind him, the trainees stepped on their skates, each one skating faster than the next, and they rushed a million miles away in one fell swoop.

After a while, the roar of the chainsaw maniac could no longer be heard. They had left its hunting range.

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The barrage was amazed.

[Damn, this team is running too fast! Other teams can’t outrun ghosts, but this team is actually skating, which ghost can catch up!!] eG7o4n

[I can now easily tell which people are in the Magician’s squad, just look at whether they have skateboards or skates]

[Chainsaw maniac: You guys who use tools are bullying me, an old man who wants to run with a chainsaw, not abiding by chivalry, you’re all rat piss!]

Luckily, this road was not guarded by ghosts at the moment and they arrived at a store.

The lights were turned off in the store. Everyone knew in their hearts that there was probably a problem here, so they chose to walk around the store unanimously. F4iaLb

The path on the other side of the store was even darker, so dark that even the road could not be seen clearly.

In a flash, everyone felt something sweep over the top of their heads, making their scalp tingle and feel a trace of cold intent.

Xu Su stammered, “T-this… what is this.”

As if responding, there was a peal of sneering laughter from above, and the voice was piercing and sad. t2fJqS

Tsuchimikado frowned, forming a spiritual rune on his fingertips, and he raised it up.

The bright blue light raised up, illuminating the hidden shadow above his head.

A woman’s withered legs hung down from the tree from ropes, her head was lowered, and her long black hair fell like a waterfall, twisting it into thousands of nooses.

Her face was hidden behind her black hair, and only a pale, blood-seeking eye could be seen from the gap in the center of her hair. 4Q6E98

[Fuck! This female ghost definitely looks like a BOSS, she definitely has a group hair attack skill, chilling!]

[Don’t be afraid, there is still the big boss Tsuchimikado!]

[Barrage protection, barrage protection, I’m not in a horror instance, I don’t want to see ghosts with my living eyes!!]

“Don’t fight, don’t fight, it’s all our own people.” Zong Jiu called out and waved his hand upwards. He skillfully took out a music box from his pocket and turned on the Kunqu Opera channel. IasgWK

A gentle Kunqiang sounded under the night sky.

The black hair that was about to greet everyone’s necks immediately froze and then was withdrawn like long weeds.

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The female ghost hanging from the tree twisted her body in mid-air and stood back on the tree trunk with a thump. Facing the sky, she cleared her hoarse voice, and began to sing along with the music box, no longer caring about the trainees standing under the tree.

Barrage: “…” T8tvRf

Stunned dogs.

[Magician, hot damn]

[Magician, thumb up.jpg]


While Zong Jiu was running towards the central Turntable, the trainee teams of other organizations ran into frequent issues.

The first was a team under the Holy Temple.

It was well known that the leader of the temple, the Holy Son, was a benevolent and compassionate man who usually liked to help the weak the most.

Many low-level trainees were newcomers, and they had not shown enough strength or abilities, so naturally, no organization wanted to recruit them. YIHZqP

These trainees had to form their own teams to participate, but they were not comparable to the veterans in terms of strength and experience, and could not infer enough information from the rulebook, let alone organize everyone to draw a map together.

In the face of the newcomers’ dilemma, the Holy Temple certainly would not sit idly by.

So Messiah made a special trip to assign a group of high-level trainees from the Temple to help these newcomers.

But help was help, not everyone was pure-hearted and would help until the end. First, they had to prioritize their own survival in the Massacre event, then they could afford to maybe lead the way for the newbies. 63xjG

It was also during the process of leading the way that some newcomers accidentally got lost in the dark. And when they heard a bell-like laughter coming from the shadows, they shivered with fear.

Unexpectedly, what came out was Little Red Riding Hood with a strawberry basket.

Seeing that it was Little Red Riding Hood, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Many trainees knew Little Red Riding Hood, and they usually like this little loli. XSa4xY

“Are big brothers lost?” Little Red Riding Hood tilted her head, a sweet expression on her cute little face, “I can help lead the way.”

No one saw the cellar filled with corpses in the lit hut in the distance.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

At this point in time, a team has already reached the big Turntable first. JkW3gY

The teams led by Zong Jiu also passed through the dense darkness without any issues and stood on the central Turntable.

Who knew if it was because of being infected by Tsuchimikado, but there was only the Dark Warlock as the one S-rank on the central Turntable. The other party even curved his lips towards him.

The completely manipulated Dark Warlock was not within the scope of Zong Jiu’s ability to break the puppet strings. His goal today was only one, and that was No. 2 Van Zhuo.

All other S-ranks were too deeply controlled. R1qroE

No. 1, No. 5 Black-robe Azan, No. 8 Dark Warlock, No. 7 Holy Son, they were all known to be fully manipulated puppets.

The ones in his camp were only No. 3 Zhuge An, No. 4 Exorcist, and No. 10 Yin-Yang Master.

There was only No. 6 Poseidon left. This was the dog-head military advisor’s assignment, it was most likely he’d be fooled into their organization.

Fighting for Van Zhou was very important to them. It was equivalent to making a fifty-fifty chance into a forty-sixty. Nnh7fx

Unexpectedly, after fifty minutes, Zong Jiu was unlucky.

No one could have imagined that in the first round, as soon as they came out of this safe house, they encountered the one and only Ghost King mentioned by the system.

And this Ghost King only chased after the Magician.


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