The Game of Our Lives (ABO)Ch25 - Was deceived by a beautiful face


Luckily Nan Jeong was just making a joke with Choe Ho, he really wasn’t going to help “clean up” his beloved Hyung-nim, he felt that if he did, he couldn’t control himself and start a third-round, as the situation didn’t allow any more games shamelessly, he took the initiative to give an item to help Choe Ho clean up. NX6Ia3

The convenience of living in a like world-game was well appreciated, at least Choe Ho thought this when he took the item given by Nan Jeong. It was an item that could only be purchased after reaching [LVL 10] and the online market was opened, in addition to the auction for players.

TOTAL PHYSICAL RESTORATION (ITEM / SILVER / SINGLE USE) – This is an item created for General Uriel, a goddess of war, but who had a serious cleaning problem. Mages and Alchemists were forced to create an item to satisfy this demanding female general. Single use item that has the function of restoring the player’s health by 50% + 50% of [HP] + 30% [MANA / AURA] and making the player clean, purifying all the dirt, from battle dust to the blood spilled from the enemy. Leaving the player as clean and shiny as a sculpted crystal. WARNING: The player can suffer from the [Shining like a Crystal] effect, for more information click on the icon above. [SELL: 10 gold coins / BUY: 15 gold coins].

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The item was similar there is an aerosol tin only that there was a red button and the decoration was a little too fancy for a simple tin. Choe Ho clicked the button and the tin shook a little before wrapping Choe Ho in a beautiful colored soap bubble.

The process was very simple and fast, in less than a few minutes he was clean and felt very comfortable, a lot of cum from Nan Jeong’s shameless exercises was clean without a trace, which made Choe Ho a little less embarrassed to face the Hubae of him. zDvqUW

Yes, the facilities of the game were very welcome in awkward situations like this. Choe Ho’s health was quickly restored to 95% and the HP was full, after using the item turned into a cloud of shiny dust and disappeared.

Choe Ho thought it was very interesting, but his attention soon went to his health that they had two strange Status:

[SHINING LIKE A CRYSTAL] >>>> The player gains impermeability from all dirty for the next 24 hours. In addition to adding 100 points of [precision] and 500 points of [glamour]. [REMAINING HOURS: 23 hours and 58 minutes].

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

However, what did Glamour mean? Did he become more attractive? What was this for him?


Jtbf Lb kjr lcagluefv ys atfrf 500 erfifrr qblcar, obg Rjc Afbcu la kjr j ilaaif vloolmeia ab gfrlra ulnlcu j ofk wbgf ibbxr ab tlr qgfmlber Lsecu-clw, ktb ibbxfv fnfc wbgf jvbgjyif. Lf vlvc’a ecvfgrajcv tbk tlr Lsecu-clw’r oieoos mtffxr mbeiv yf j atja jvbgjyif rtjvf bo qlcx jcv atf atlmx, ibcu ijrtfr ibbxfv fnfc vjgxfg jcv wbgf jaagjmalnf. Glvc’a tlr ilqr ibbx qlcxfg jcv rtlclfg?

Fortunately, only Choe Ho’s appearance became fluffier and the scent of his pheromones remained normal, otherwise, Nan Jeong wouldn’t be good at controlling himself, and he was likely to become an eight-tentacle octopus again or a heated dog.

[DEMON SPELL] >>>> You were hit by the aura of the demon race. For everyone who is not part of the demon race, there is a 50% decrease in [Intelligence]. In addition, for the omegas, there is a violent reaction of the estrus, during the first 10 hours of the spell. The spell duration is 48 hours. [REMAINING HOURS: 45 hours].

At least the anesthetic and poison in Choe Ho’s body had been eliminated, as for the effects of the Demon Spell, thanks to Nan Jeong, he only needed to worry about his reduced intelligence for a short period of time, since his estrus was controlled thanks to Nan Jeong’s bite on his omega gland on his neck, of course, now as he was paired much of the harmful effects to the omegas wouldn’t have much effect on him (Choe Ho). Y2LDvR

This meant that in the next 45 hours he would not be able to practice alchemy or medicine, but in the future, he would also not have to worry about experiencing the negative effects related to his estrus.

“So, the great Boss who made me pass out is of the race of demons?” Choe Ho thought, forcing his mind to remember what had happened when he arrived at the ant nest.

In fact, Choe Ho had been surprised to see that the big ant nest was similar to a metallurgical factory, there was only no smoke coming out of the towers, but the designer was the same. Of course, he didn’t invade the perimeter of the factory like Nan Jeong without an ounce of fear.

As the ants needed raw material, they would go out a few times, Choe Ho noticed the pattern after some time watching. He had wisely gone to the bottom of the nest where there were several strange black and shiny stones, there was also less vigilance there. U1yAxZ

The ants went out from time to time to collect those stones, once in a while, he saw an ant digging deep and bringing out a bright red stone. Choe Ho was curious, but for the system to provide him with information, he must pick up one of these stones.

For a while, Choe Ho suppressed curiosity and tried to ambush his first monster. It wasn’t difficult, since the ants were scattered, and he had prepared himself enough.

When the [Seraph Dagger] easily penetrated the ant’s shell, it was like sliding the blade through the water, there was very little resistance. The ant gave a surprised and sad growl, but it didn’t last long. Choe Ho’s hands were shaking, and he felt bad, after all, he was a person from the modern world, he could eat meat, but he never killed any animals.

Fortunately, the weapon seemed to have a “magical” effect, in fact, the weapon forces the player to continue with the rhythm of the stabs until the monster is dead. Choe Ho who was very nervous and focused lost his focus around him, when he finished killing the ant, he looked around with caution and fear. QG6s7X

The ants automatically continued their tasks regardless of whether a companion had been brutally murdered, they just lifted their big heads and their eyes shone for a moment as if they were registering the image of Choe Ho, but they continued their incessant work movements.

Thus, Choe Ho realized that the ants would not react even if they were all killed, for them there was only work. It was as if they were robots, which reassured the young fairy’s troubled heart and mind a little.

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Although 100 ants were too much for him to do quickly, until 12:00 on the same day he only managed to kill 50 ants. When he stopped for lunch, Choe Ho looked for a more distant place to be able to eat with some tranquility, he thought about many things, but mainly, if Leonora and Gray were well and if he could finish the mission until nightfall to return quickly to camp.

“That was when that man appeared … He asked me for some water and food, I imagined that he was some kind of lost traveler … I should have imagined that a person so elegant and beautiful that he didn’t even look tired shouldn’t be an ordinary person,” Choe Ho thought as he remembered the man with long black hair and violet eyes. He could be considered a classic western beauty, with a sculpted face to be appreciated and a strong and attractive masculine aura. QuKn8d

While Nan Jeong dressed, Choe Ho and the System had a very serious discussion:
Game System: So, did you fall for the enemy’s beauty?  ಠ_ರೃ
Choe Ho: I just looked a little! Σ(T□T)
Game System: Will you tell for the beast-man? ヾ( ̄o ̄;}
Choe Ho: I’m going to die without ever mentioning a word about it! ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌
Game System: Are you very determined? ఠ ͟ಠ
Choe Ho: I don’t want to test whether he’s a big pot of vinegar or a crazy dog. (; ̄Д ̄)
Game System: It is certainly a large pot of vinegar that will cry like a pitiful little puppy. ( ˘・з・)
Choe Ho: This … I would like to see a little … (⁎˃ᆺ˂)
Game System: (…) ΣΣ(゚Д゚;)
Thus, the system discovered a dark side of Choe Ho that he could never have imagined.


1. Thanks for the comments and the words of caution!
2. The Author is feeling much better these two days.
3. Who would have thought that Choe Ho lowered his guard to a pretty face? xD
4. Of course, only we and the system will know this for the rest of the novel! Keep it a secret!
5. The demon Boss didn’t attempt to abuse Choe Ho, in case anyone thinks this has occurred. It is inevitable that everyone who is not part of the demonic race will be affected by the aura of demons. SPOILER: The tranquilizer remedy was for Choe Ho not to feel the pain of estrus and not to “attack” others. The poison was thanks to the queen ant and it was accidental since she never saw an omega in her life, she poked and nudged and ended up having an adverse effect on Choe Ho.
6. I don’t usually reuse scum characters to make CP in novels. As I said before, the ant queen is material for yuri CP in the novel and the demon Boss is gong material for CP in the novel.


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  1. I just love the system… A pot of vinegar that cries like a pitiful puppy 😅

    Need More 4 chapter in 2 days I’m becoming addicted


  2. Everyone has that little dark side where they want their special someone to feel jealous just to see their reaction, even Choe Ho was no exception (ง ื▿ ื)ว

    Thanks for the chappie! ( ˘ ³˘)♡