Soul Shard CaptorCh1 - God? Is that you?

He had been doing something completely mundane when it came. Without any prior warning, his body started turning into bright motes of light, flickering about like butterflies flapping their wings.

He had felt no pain nor distress as his consciousness faded into a dreamless slumber. For he knew that the next time he awakened, he would be completely reborn, from inside out, just like all the worldborn that came before him, and all the worldborn that shall come thereafter. pY6DUZ

And indeed, when his consciousness returned, an indeterminate amount of time later, he couldn’t remember much of who he had been before. More than two decades he had spent on his homeworld Cradle, vanished into smoke, leaving behind no clear memories.

Now his entire past consisted of short snippets of conversations with people he didn’t remember. And mere vague notions, like the fact he had been raised in an orphanage by an old nun. Beyond that, there was nothing but emptiness. No attachments, no emotions, no names, no faces.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Oh! Wrong! He did remember one name – his own.

It was Noah. Y5IiPn

Because… of course it was! If you were named by an old religious nun, you’d be named Noah too!
○| ̄|_

Or Adam, you know, for the sake of diversity.

Unless you were female. In which case, you’d probably be named Mary. It’s always Mary! (◞‸ლ)

Alright, alright, if one put the infuriating naming sense he had been subjected to aside, the nun did a pretty decent job everywhere else.


His current situation was just as described in the Holy Scripture that he had been taught for as long as he could (not) remember.

According to the Scripture, the destiny of a worldborn did not lie in the lands of Cradle but in the vast and magnificent Haven. Everything he had experienced growing up in Cradle was merely a preparation for his new life in Haven. A tutorial teaching him the rules of the game. A nurturing environment to shape him into who he was meant to be and then release him into the wild.

Thus, upon reaching full maturity, all worldborn were granted a clean break from their past to better embrace their future.

Yet, when the beautiful future he had been waiting for arrived, what greeted Noah when he opened his eyes wasn’t the gorgeous promised land, but complete and utter darkness. z6baY

( ゚Д゚)???

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

This …was not what Haven was supposed to look like!

Glv rbwfatlcu ub kgbcu klat tlr jrmfcrlbc, aegclcu tlw yilcv? 🤔

Rbjt kjnfv tlr gluta tjcv lc ogbca bo tlr ojmf. dtHDYO

Vifcvfg olcufgr mbnfgfv lc reqqif, ktlaf, cfjgis-agjcrqjgfca rxlc klatbea jcs rmjgr bg mjiierfr. Ktfgf kfgfc’a fnfc jcs wbifr bg tjlg!

Pa’r mbcolgwfv!!!

Lf kjr wbra vfolclafis…!!!

…cba yilcv. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ tMsZo7

Dea kjla! Jbeiv la yf?!?

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Did he end up dead on arrival, and was now a ghost?! 😱

In a fluster, Noah craned his slender neck to look at himself and his surroundings. i8s5ZU

Oh, good! He could see his own reflection on the black, mirror-like surface of the floor he was standing on. Ghosts shouldn’t have reflections, right?


Noah gave his reflection a once-over. He was still wearing the oversized t-shirt he had been in before he was beamed up, but other things about him had gotten an upgrade.

He had turned even more dazzling than he had been before his ascension – simply a beauty that transcended age, race, and gender! His skin had become as supple and smooth as that of a newborn baby. His chestnut hair, parted on the right side, gleamed like strands of fine silk. RQBFw4

His facial features have become both softer and more charming, his lips fuller and more edible looking.

His warm black eyes, framed with long and thick eyelashes that were the envy of the entire female population, were… uh… still there?

…he couldn’t see them well because the floor was also black. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

But not seeing them was good! It meant they haven’t changed much! 👍 lt1wzg

In short, he… didn’t feel dead?

Noah gave himself a quick pinch.

Yep. Very physical. Also… ouch. 〒▽〒

He underestimated this upgraded body’s strength. He ought to be careful with that in the future. E2iWGK

Well, everything seemed to be in order. Even the power flowing through his veins was very lively, and exactly as mentioned by the Holy Scripture. Although it was still in a state of flux, he had no doubt that, given more time, it would slowly solidify into something suitable for him.

Sooo… did he take a wrong turn somewhere?

No, no, no, if he missed a turn it would be because someone forgot to put up road signs!

Or did the tour guide take an unplanned day off? TFK ed

This dark and empty space… couldn’t possibly be… Haven?

Before Noah’s thoughts had the chance to run amok, a magnificent disembodied voice reverberated through the emptiness around him.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Congratulations, young worldborn! Rejoice for you have been chosen for the special and much sought-after privilege of becoming an agent of the–”

“God? Is that you?” Noah’s gasped, his big eyes widening into saucers, “Am I dead after all?!” dcspPq

The voice faltered, “Er… yes? No! Close enough?” but it quickly managed to regain its majesty to continue the speech, “Ahem, stay calm! This-this is just a normal part of the process!”

“Oh. So, I’m not dead. Phew!” Noah wiped off nonexistent sweat from his white forehead.

The voice’s grandiose manner screeched to a halt again, “Uh… well… that depends on your definition of dead. Are you a disembodied soul? Technically yes… but your soul has been upgraded into a spirit body, so it is both a fully functioning body and a soul… thus, perhaps considering you as dead would be a bit nonsensical?”

Am I dead, or am I not dead?!‘ щ(゚Д゚щ) CzheO

“Er… let’s not get stuck on technicalities! The line between dead and undead is really thin in this place…”

“That’s right!” Noah, as the easily distracted sort, quickly set the question of dead or undead aside, and concentrated on the next big thing: “What is this place? Is this Haven?”

The voice noticeably paused, its reply lacking in confidence, “…yes?”

Who are you trying to fool?!‘ Noah’s blood pressure shot up. His lips twitched several times as he tried, with much difficulty, to prevent his smile from cracking. gZd8wt

He took a deep breath. Then, in a sweet yet somehow chill-inducing voice, he questioned, “Then, where are my promised vibrant green hills as far as the eyes can see? What about a beautiful rainbow, where the land and sky meet?”

The more he spoke, the more his voice quivered with suppressed outrage, “…the crystal-clear pool of sparkly aquamarine water?! What about my promised 72 virgins?!?”

The voice hurried to explain, “Actually–” then halted, “What? 72 virgins?” (⊙_⊙;)

After a moment of silence, Noah’s freshly upgraded hearing caught the entity he had been speaking to direct an inquiry toward a third person in a furious yet hushed voice: “I don’t remember including that in the Holy Scripture!”–followed by an outraged gasp–”Was it Steve again?!?” evj6Z2

The hushed conversation was interrupted by Noah slapping his own forehead. Not knowing where the voices were coming from, he directed a sheepish look towards a random direction, “My bad. Wrong Holy Scripture. But you can’t blame me, all of them are so similar in content, it’s really easy to mix them up.”

A moment of heavy silence descended upon the dark space.

Author Note:

P.S. the usage of emojis is for the sake of humor and getting a lighthearted feel. It’s not due to this author’s lack of ability in writing without the usage of emojis. The frequency of emoji usage varies from chapter to chapter, some have none, some have a lot. I add them when I think the humor would benefit from a funny emoji face. If you dislike them, just ignore them. It’s purely a taste thing, some readers enjoy them, some don’t. 3VC0hy

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  1. I left for an hour and came back to 40+ notifications and I don’t know how to feel about that.

    Thanks for the translation!

  2. Lol 72 virgins!🤣🤣🤣 And the Nun naming is actually accurate! If I was born a month after my actual birth my mom would have named me Mary…. i would be pissed…

    Anyway thx for the chapters!😁

  3. interesting start //it was the emoticons sir, they got me [thank you for the chapter ❤️ (I’m finally going to complete the heart sequence ^^)]

    • Thanks for the writing. It is my first time seeing original in this site and was quite curious, after reading it I feel like it is quite promising. Keep up the good job hope you won’t drop it half way that would be really disappointing. 😉

  4. Whew, this novel looks super interesting and plus its original 👀?! With the (absolutely brilliant) chapter titles, you can count me in la~~~ will probably comment what I think of the whole thing at the end of the novel,,, so lazy haha anyways thanks for the chappie!

  5. Thanks for the chapters! This novel looks promising, I’ll probably comment what I think of this at the last chapter~ This is the first original novel of CG so I’m pretty excited!

  6. This novel looks interesting!!! And there are like a lot of new chapters!!!

    Thank you for the chapter!! ❤️❤️

  7. That Steve, always causing trouble (ꐦ °Д°)

    This looks really good, looking forward to future chapters ^o^

  8. Because…of course it was! If you were named by an old religious nun, you’d be named Noah too! ╮(╯▽╰)╭

    Or Adam, you know, for the sake of diversity.

    Unless you were female. In which case, you’d probably be named Mary. It’s always Mary! (¬_¬)

    Haahahaahah I was just thinking why Noah again ?

    I yes I like this novel I like how it flows I more then anything I like that there are a lot of emoticons they make novel more lively

    • Yes, that’s what I was going for. That lighthearted lively feel. I am really happy to hear that there are readers who enjoy it because so far I’ve gotten several suggestions to decrease the emoticon usage. Now I realize that there might be more readers who enjoy the emoticon usage but are staying silent about it. Instead of just listening to one side, the better course of action would be to do a poll.

      Anyway, what I’m trying to say is: thank you ❤

  9. I love the emoticons, they add a nice touch! ♥️♥️♥️ This seems very interesting

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  10. This should be interesting, i am ready to go on chapters marathon today

    • Yes, yes! Isn’t it infuriating to read 100 chapters of a slow romance, wait weeks and months for that delicious culmination to steamy smut, and then, when the much-awaited fateful moment arrives… it’s glossed over?!? ‎(ノ ಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻ F#ck!!! F#cking censorship!!! I’m not even Chinese and you are still ruining it for me!! ○| ̄|_

  11. What a cute start, I’m getting excited to read this novel and the mc was so cute! #whatshouldidoaskingforhelp# hehehe thanks for the chapter

  12. I like emoticons but not emojis, they really ruin it for me

  13. “Unless you were female. In which case, you’d probably be named Mary. It’s always Mary!”

    My sisters and I also have Mary or Maria as our first first name. 😂

  14. This looks very interesting!! (‘∀’人) ♡+

    Love the emojis as well! (´▽`) Time to read the next chapters ٩(°̀ᗝ°́)و

  15. I’ve read a lot of system books, but this is the first time the MC says “God is that you.” It made me realize how weird it was that none of the other books had the MC react like that. I mean it’s the most realistic reaction in situations like this hahah

    I love your writing style and use of emojis! Really looking forward to the rest of the book. Thank you for writing it


  16. Thank you so much for the chapter. And kudos for the emoji lmao oooooo the author really did a good job on relaying the emotions and all but the emoji made it way beyond perfect. I can’t stop laughing lol. I tried to copy the emoji but I can’t so I’m a lil bit sad HAHAHAHAHHA anyway I’m sooooooo in love already with this story. Thanks so much to the translator! 💜 Giving you all my love! 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜

  17. Me: ooh looks interesting

    Content Warnings: non con between MC and ML

    Me: well maybe I can find something similar without that

    This is by NO MEANS anything against the ppl who enjoy these stories or are translating but it’s just so disappointing when I see that in a story. Like I can handle red flags in almost every other aspect except for SA. I can even handle dub con. It’s just so incredibly disheartening when something looks interesting but it has to have that in it. Like why???

    Thanks for your hard work tho and happy reading to others who continue.
