Savage LoveChapter 284


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  1. Welcome back after so long away. I’ll be nice for now. Aeras character flaw was her inability to think logically after everything.yes she was devastating with whst was posted but she was able to immediately deduce aito did it only bc he was blurred but not able to defuce the real reason like aito did being it made her look bad to him n him bad to her. They succeeded in tricking her bc she didn’t trust him enough but didn’t trick him. Aito’s past actions seem to have made it hard for anyone to rly trust him in any way despite his soncerity like ryu didn’t either but it’s gotta hurt even more when the ones who trust you least are the ones you love most. He dud bring it on himself tho by being a playboy with toshiro who I despise to this day. I kinda want him to be tortured n taken from his kid etc. He deserves zero happiness in my book n I’m generally pretty soft. Also the parents allowing aera to continue being labeled a cheater bc they told auto not to say its hom still disgusts me. Everyone knows your son sleeps around so how would it harm him. The mote I think about everyone surrounding aito up to when he was I’m high school, the more i hate every one of them for different reasons.
    • Thank you and did you just say that you’re generally soft????
      The reason Aera didn’t trust Aito will be revealed soon too and Toshiro will still get his own punishment. As well as someone else hehe

          • I dont misunderstand haruto. Hes spoiled, selfish n even witse thsn young aito denanding live from someone he knows foesnt feel that way for him. Not to mention, hes a murderer n tried to manipulate aito in multiple ways. After all hes done i find it hard to toletate him.

            I wish I was only 30% soft then I wouldn’t cry so easily when I read.