Seeing All Layers of the CloudsCh7 - It’s All My Fault


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Translator's Note

Huskies, Samoyeds, and Alaskan dogs are called the “sled three fools”.

Translator's Note

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  1. Aw, I laughed so hard at the new dog-daddy woes! I’m very glad that the author chose to drag a little all those people who decide to get a dog without considering how much work it will be.

    But then that phone call.. Ah, damn.

  2. Ahahahah. Yeah. Don’t take back home a pet on a whim. That’s a living being with emotions, habits and a whole lot of dislikes ! Suffer moooore ahahahah

  3. Ah, hope his relationship with his family mends 🤞

    Thanks for the chapter, 💞

  4. People who know nothing about taking care of an animal, and go buy one that’s high maintenance and needs skill in handling, not to mention a lot of training like a malamute, are why so many big dogs end up aggressive, untrained and abandoned. That’s a breed bred for working and high energy, not for laying around an apartment bored and frustrated all day. If you have to have a big dog, and live in an apartment, get a couch potato like a Great Dane. Then get it it’s own couch and king size bed to sleep on, or it’ll take yours.