Peter Pan and CinderellaCh37 - Flirt with me


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Translator's Note

Translator's Note

你调调: This means flirt with me, but since his speech is muffled, his original meaning was 你瞧瞧/Check it out, i.e he wanted Xiao Xie to look at the wound on his tongue.

Translator's Note

星辰: The word itself means starlight, but it stands for the ship between Xing/Xie Zhuxing and Chen/Cheng Yao. This is a classic way for Chinese fans to come up with ship names.

Translator's Note

A cute way to refer to Cheng Yao.

Translator's Note

A tsundere is a character in anime who acts tough and cold on the outside towards their love interest but is actually soft and sweet on the inside.

Translator's Note

like this, but with cheeks

Translator's Note

师兄: More senior fellow male student (or in this case, employees at the same company).

Translator's Note

师妹: More junior fellow female student (or in this case, employees at the same company).

Translator's Note

桃桃: Literally means Peach Peach.

Translator's Note

A word play on Peach’s name. The Peach of Immortality, in Chinese mythology, is a prized peach that grows in the Queen Mother’s garden that once eaten grants a mortal with immortality. Basically Wang Chao is mocking how Xiao Xie believes Peach is precious.

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