The Days I Clear Escape Games Pretending to be an NPCCh110 - Nobody Knows (8)


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Translator's Note

OG text: 罂粟果实 – poppy fruit

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

This is back to RYF’s POV

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  1. Someone said in a comment that Saman would be a willing blood supply hahaha they were almost right. Also saman nearly figures it’s Yifei. which is cool and all but also i’m kinda afraid him coming along every mission is like blaring ‘certain rabbit is here’ flag

    glad a fei isnt hungry anymore:)

    ty for your tl!

  2. Actually, I think the Scarlet Witch’s side might actually be the side to be on to solve the instance. A couple chapters ago a player mentioned that it’s weird that the instance hasn’t been solved yet despite the fact that it’s relatively player friendly. Maybe it hasn’t been solved because the player’s keep instinctively siding with the humans instead of the Scarlet Witch. At this point it’s been foreshadowed pretty heavily that the Scarlet Witch is the ghost’s original body. Assuming this is true then I expect it’s probably rather difficult to find clues to solve the instance when you’re looking at things from the wrong perspective.
    • When you put it that way, it does seem very possible that the Scarlet witch could be the ghost. I also had that thought earlier and was hoping someone else would too😭 The fact that so far everyone has sided with humans and continues to hunt the Scarlet witch who hunts monsters too is beyond me. Someone should have noticed it but they didn’t, I hope it turns out the Scarlet witch just wanted someone to side with him and help him. It seems like he’s a good guy compared to the humans who are using him for their own gain. I’m also curious about how he escaped

  3. ».. and Sama took advantage of it.« Saman

    Of course, Sandman is running around here too lol I wonder if his blood tastes like smth fresh out of the oven xDD

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  4. Finally caught up after weeks of stacking chapters. I was so glad that Saman was there, he’s the only person I trust when it comes to Ren Yifei. This time, I think it’ll be spicier between the two of them. Haha!

  5. That sharp contrast of Saman’s “they have to be kept free so they’re still beautiful” with Mr. Creep’s “beautiful things should be locked up and cry tears of blood,” incredible. I wonder if Ren Yifei’s going to intentionally work “mercy” into his act since his first victim happened to be a teammate he can’t wantonly cripple/kill… Also I have to wonder, if Scarlet Witch is really the ghost and a player always takes his identity, have they just been too busy running from everyone to ever solve his obsession? Or is a question like “What Am I?” too great an ask for a seven-day timeframe?

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  6. I don’t care if the ‘handsome guy’ is a player or the ghost, considering his strange thoughts about underage girls he should be completely locked up and then given to monsters as a snack.

  7. When I tell you I covered my open gaped mouth so quickly when I read Saman being in the instance I kid you not(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻