Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh8 - The Best Person in Shizun’s Heart


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Translator's Note

狐妖 – technically could be translated as a ‘fox spirit/demon’, but since there are already ghosts and demons involved in the story I’m going to use ‘devil’ instead 

Translator's Note

九婴 and 混沌 – lit. ‘Nine babies’ and ‘Chaos’. Only one sounds like a cool name for a devil baron, which is why I left it in pinyin

Translator's Note

再造之恩 – lit ‘Kindness of remaking’

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  1. Chang Ye… I don’t believe that he is pire and kind. He will show his true face infront of his shixiongs’.

    Thanks for the chapter~~😁😁

  2. For some reasons I kept picturing Yinghe throwing a pokeball at Changye… And all his disciples before… QAQ

    Thanks for the chap!

  3. Chang Ye being a cute, obedient lil bunbun won’t last for long. The moment he meets the other two….heh~Thank you for the chapter~

  4. I wanna flip a table now! Who in the world is the ML??? I thought it was first disciple but all of them are clingy!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. This Chang Ye must be the archdevil the little devils were talking about! We’ll know his True colors when he’s faced with his rivals 😅

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. A certain shizun: Archdevil! I choose you! flings a scarred youth up

    A certain archdevil: Eeeeeeeee~ flips happily in the air

  7. Hmm… Is his face going to be fixed? I don’t want Chang Ye to be bullied(っ °Д °;)っ

    But I guess those who bully him won’t survive based on the fact that he’s Yinghe’s disciple…^_^

  8. Yinghe will become an Immortal God of the Demon, Ghost and Devil races for his “gentleness” 🤣🤣🤣

  9. The devils sitting around shizun and leaving gifts… So cute 🥺

  10. Ahhhhhhh the little devils were so cute!

    Aaaaaaaand it has been a 100 years since he left. Is Peng Lai still standing?

  11. my heaaaart aaaaaah, it now completely split into 3 parts…can anybody tell me how to fix it? i don’t know who to ship with our pure and gentle mc!! 😭

  12. The problem is… my man isnt even doing anything wrong!!!

    Dont worry baby QAQ its just your disciples that are broken

  13. I have been dying last few week, can you help me to give a password to read this chapter? Where i can find a password in each chapter?

  14. 😂 😂 😂 And our third Shidi is here

    Let the drama and vinegar drinking begins 😹😹

    Who will end up with their shizun tho 🤔