Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh9 - A Harmonious Pair


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Translator's Note

与大道无缘 – he’s being discriminated against by uppity cultivators

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  1. Somewhat dazed, Jiang Yinghe flipped to the first page. The system that had been hibernating suddenly exclaimed with audible excitement in its computer-generated voice, “Yes! Just my cup of tea!”

    Jiang Yinghe coughed, “You guys like these kinds of books?”

    System: “……Then what do you want to read about? Distance learning? How to become a good shizun?”


    • +1 System is kind of pitiful, it took him twelve hundred years to experience excitement (つ≧▽≦)つ

  2. Yes! I can finally read chapter9 n onwards! Love this novel so much 😍 thank you for the updates!

    And the part with the book and system, i can relate since that’s why I’m attracted ti this book at first sight of the summary !

  3. Poor Li Huanhan getting misunderstood to use JYH as a cultivation furnace by his shidis…… HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA except he thinks the worst of his shidis too

    I’m crying this is so funny

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  4. Im soooo sad. Shizun has a very close intimacy with the other two. Even Cheng Ye has the nerve to go up on Shizuns bed. But our Huanhan, he never even hugged Shizun yet!!!! Justice to my ship. 😅🤣

  5. It’s hilarious that they all think they’re the only ones who have true feelings for their Shizun and the others are just evil😭