Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh53 - …Speak Human, Alright?


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  1. Mind the orchid, Chan Ye! This is exactly what Shizun means by having respect for other living beings! (Well, no, actually, that’s probably not it… but still! Mind the flowers!)

    And, whahaha, lol author-daren, the passion root is talking, now?? Maybe it’s because been gone for so long, it’s already gained its own sentience! (Li Huanhan, Qin Jun and Chang Ye: “does that mean Shizun’s chrysanthemum could also one day gain sentience?” Me: “Well, since the three of you are three parts of the same soul, maybe Shizun’s self could also split into three… sentient… parts… ?Ahem…”) XD XD XD

  2. Chang Ye was completely left out and lost. The growl of a ferocious beast threatened to erupt from his throat as he watched these two speak in damned riddles. He almost gave in to his instincts, but he couldn’t lose face like this. Chang Ye asked patiently, “What are you guys talking about?”

    Qin Jun’s eyes shifted over and he suddenly asked, “Is he one as well?”

    Li Huanhan was silent for a moment. “Yes…I was surprised too..”

    aaah that was such a burn hahah