President, finish this cup of green teaCh5 - I’m in charge anyway

The president was busy working and didn’t get home till late at night.

Xiao HuDou had not yet slept. He prepared a few dishes for dinner and kept warming the food when it got cold. rPwW4q

As a result, when the president returned home, the dinner on the table was still hot.

It was the first time the president had returned home to a hot meal prepared for him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

So much so that he’d never eaten anything prepared by his folks.

The president felt his nose sour as he thought this. “Xiao Cha, I have never enjoyed a meal prepared by my family.” SpKWOw

Xiao Cha smiled softly and raised his hand to smooth Zhong Chai’s hair, “Then I will do it for you every day from now on.”

Zhong Chai shed tears of gratitude while wolfing down the food, “It’s delicious.”

When takeaway was unavailable during the pandemic, Xiao Cha cooked at home with his mother. His cooking skills improved dramatically, and he could now prepare a variety of delectable dishes.

Zhong Chai usually ate to take care of business or his stomach, and he rarely had time to enjoy his meals. As a result, he devoured the dishes with relish.


Xiao Cha: “Eat slowly and don’t choke.”

Zhong Chai: “I really want to call you…”

Xiao Cha: “?”

Zhong Chai: “Mommy!” dIBLQN

Xiao Cha: “…”

As president, you have the final say.

Xiao Cha rinsed the dishes and chopsticks and started the dishwasher after supper, while Zhong Chai had already showered and gotten into the enormous bed.

Pajamas with crocodile print. xEd9RZ

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xiao Cha: “…”

Ugfrlvfca lr gfjiis mtlivilxf.

Itbcu Jtjl rja bc atf yfv, tlr ijqabq lc tjcv. Lf qjaafv atf fwqas rqjmf cfza ab tlw ktfc tf rjk Wljb Jtj kjix lc: “Tbe’nf kbgxfv tjgv. P’ii tlgf j tberfxffqfg ab ajxf mjgf bo atf tberfkbgx abwbggbk. Tbe vbc’a cffv ab kbggs jybea mtbgfr; pera ajxf mjgf bo sbeg kbgx.”

Xiao Cha: “Well, you have the final say.” NL0zMZ

He smartly sat down next to Zhong Chai to read a book.

Zhong Chai abruptly leaned in. His hair was still moist, like that of a wet puppy. The puppy blinked and asked, “What are you reading?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xiao Cha showed Zhong Chai the cover: “I chose ‘Silent Confessions’ at random from the study. Has Xiao Chai read it?”

Zhong Chai: “No, tell me about it after you finish reading it!” dYqgkB

In truth, Zhong Chai enjoyed reading, but he was too preoccupied with work to read quietly and finish a book.

Xiao Cha: “Let me blow dry your hair. If you leave it to air dry while the air conditioner is on, you’ll catch a cold.”

Zhong Chai: “Okay.”

Zhong Chai’s hair had never been colored or permed. He had beautiful hair that was soft and smooth and easy to blow dry. 0gOLRW

“This is the first time someone has blow-dried my hair,” Zhong Chai was moved to tears yet again.

Xiao Cha: “How about the hairdresser?”

Zhong Chai: “This is the first time someone has blow-dried my hair at home.”

Xiao Cha: Is this the “wealthy people have weak familial affection” childhood? 76YsIE

Yet Zhong Chai did not remain sentimental. He still had a file to work on, so he typed swiftly while holding his laptop in his arms. “Go to bed if you’re tired. I’ll be done with this soon.”

“It’s okay, I’ll keep you company,” Xiao Cha said, shaking his head.

Zhong Chai finished his work quickly, closed his notebook, and lay down.

On Zhong Chai, Xiao Cha detected a subtle lemon scent that was fresh, clean, and zesty. Lv0Kdr

Xiao Cha: “Is Xiao Chai’s shower gel lemon-scented?”

Zhong Chai: “It’s not the shower gel, it’s my pheromone, and it’s almost time.”

“Oh,” Xiao Cha said without batting an eye.

“Want to kiss?” Zhong Chai asked, looking at him from inside the quilt. tO61ae

Xiao Cha: “?”

Zhong Chai: “I’m in charge anyway.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhong Chai then aggressively kissed Xiao Cha!

Xiao Cha had been concerned that an Omega like Zhong Chai might have any special interests. NPmHoC

Even willing to do O for love.

Yet, it followed the standard AO process.

Zhong Chai bottomed, moving Xiao Cha to tears!

Afterwards, Zhong Chai sat on the bed and smoked. gYkt M

And choked.

Xiao Cha grabbed the cigarette and put it out in the ashtray.

Xiao Cha: “Is this your first time smoking?”

Zhong Chai: “How do you know?” U3Cixa

Xiao Cha: “I haven’t seen someone who smokes regularly choke and gasp for air like you.”

Zhong Chai: “They say ‘a cigarette afterward is better than a living god,’ and I want to experience it too.”

Xiao Cha: “If you are choked to Heaven, you will indeed be a living god.”

Zhong Chai: “That makes sense. Then I won’t smoke.” GDKVXy

Sitting on the bed, Xiao Cha was startled to realize that the photo on the bedside table belonged to Zhong Chai and Qian Nanyou!

He said sourly: “Xiao Chai, I just have a six-pack and it’s also my first time. I don’t have much experience, so I must not be as good as that Qian Nanyou, right?”

Zhong Chai was puzzled: “It’s my first time too! I’m also inexperienced, so don’t dislike me… Why do you feel the need to compare yourself to Qian Nanyou? I forbid you from making comparisons to him.”

As he heard Zhong Chai say this, Xiao Cha felt soothed and feigned to be depressed: “Sigh, I didn’t mean that either. I just think Qian Nanyou must be very important to you!” M5F0ht

Zhong Chai: “To me, he’s a piece of shit.”

Xiao Cha: “…”

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Zhong Chai: “Did you just get jealous?”

Xiao Cha: “…” VwqCAp

Xiao Cha: “A little bit.”

Zhong Chai: “Then I can coax you.”

Xiao Cha: “?”

Xiao Cha: “Coax how?” niaRCf

Zhong Chai: “Come and kiss!”

So they did it once more.

Zhong Chai: Xiao Cha is indeed a sensible, pure, and unpretentious Alpha!

JnOF m

Translator's Note

describes the tingling of the nose when one is going to cry

Translator's Note

I found two explanations for this saying. The first one says rich families have lot of intrigue so their familial bonds are weak. The second explanation says rich families are super busy earning money so they spend little time together

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  1. “I’m in charge anyway” 😂 Get your man Zhong Chai!!

    Thanks for the chapter 💞