Parenting In Full Bloom! The Former Villainous Noble Son Who Found His Love NestChapter 185

Author: aji (あじ)
Translator: sleepingjay

After the craftsman left, Bel stayed with me, sticking close by my side and working with me. xI3oCU

But soon it was time for him to go home.

Today, there was actually another little guest from the village.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He was caught by Guy as soon as he arrived, and the two hit it off; they ran off to ‘explore’ and then never came back.

“How long are those kids gonna play?” 3d8Uf1

It would be bad if they missed the appointed time.

As I rose from the chair to go looking for them, three familiar footsteps came towards me.

“We’re home—!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf vbbg bqfcfv klat j wlutas atev; ktja gbiifv lc kjr atf gjyyla xlv ogbw atf nliijuf, Ojatb.


P bcmf abiv Ojatb, ktb kjr jirb atf ifjvfg bo atf mtlivgfc, atja Alii kjr j pfgx.

Dfmjerf bo atja, atf xlvr kfgf mbiv abkjgvr Alii. Ccv ktfc P vlvc’a mbwf ab atf nliijuf, atfs atbeuta P kjr ‘agjqqfv lc atf fnli Bcluta Jbwwjcvfg’r mieamtfr!’—bg rb la rffwfv.

So ridiculous.

No matter how strong Jill was, I would at least be able to squeeze out, okay? uJIdOC

When I told him that I wasn’t anywhere that weak, he readily replied, “True! Lily is crafty!” and scampered off to play, so I couldn’t even catch him.

“Hey. What time do you—”

“Bwahahaha! The Pants-Kamen have arrived!”

“Arrived.” QRKIpY

“Liliush, I stopped,”

The sight of Latho, Guy and Cyril made me speechless.

Ah, yes. How could I have forgotten that the village brats were a particular brand of handful?

Guy might be a handful, but he was still an aristocrat. FoOY7y

Latho had zero problems crossing lines that should not be crossed—he would, in fact, gleefully jump over it and toss everyone else over the cliff with him. There he was, stark naked except for his pants.

Along with the twins, the three were all only wearing pants—but on their heads, with the pants covering their faces. Their ears were even conscientiously pulled through the legs of the pants, peeking out on the other side of the holes.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

When they struck a flamboyant, flashy pose, I snapped.

“That’s enough of you!” zjYdaQ


I slowly approached them step by step.

The three of them scrambled and pushed at each other to step up, until they looked more like they were playing chicken.

But that only made me angrier. WZF4 h

“Every single one of you, sit on your knees!”


From a standing stiff posture, they plopped down to the ground. I stood in front of the three rascals with crossed arms.

The three of them shivered and huddled together under my wrath. It wasn’t until Bel intervened that they were finally able to escape the scolding. 8GvaU0

Update 1/2

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  1. Stark naked only with pants … on their heads… that must have been an interesting view. Blackmail material for when they are older!😏😂

    Thank you for the chapter!!!