PeachCh78 - Suxin


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  1. I’m almost overwhelmed from the sweetness that this chapter started with! I was in love with this story before this of course, but I almost drowned in the fluff!
    Well, until the end of course. Poor Yuhu. This sect had degenerated before the insane old witch escaped from her cave, but this is a new low. 😡
    Also, Qiqi, you might want to beware of overturning the vinegar pot beside you by mentioning touching women’s chests! Even this crone! 😂
    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  2. I wasn’t really expecting anything else from Yuhu’s return to the sect. It strayed a long time ago from its initial ideals.

    Drag the witch out and chop her head off +9000 xD

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  3. I love how Chen Ziqi doesn’t argue and just lets Dan Yi feed him because that’s just what they do ☺️. I am a little worried about Yuhu not having any backup in her own sect. I’m sure there’s something interesting coming up for her though.