PeachCh77 - Kiss Kiss


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  1. “ You should know that this… isn’t normal behaviour between two guys,”. 🐦 Don’t curse yourself! Thank you

  2. Chen Ziqi and the handkerchief in Dan Yi’s clothes 😂. How did he know the first one was in there but allegedly had to go digging for another one? Haha I wouldn’t worry too much about Qiqi misunderstanding what a kiss between them will mean. But that’s Dan Yi for you.

  3. Oh Dan Yi… I know you’re trying to ensure this whole thing is entirely consensual and you aren’t taking advantage of Qiqi’s romantic ignorance, but don’t phrase things in such a way as to potentially obscure your end goal! Good thing Qiqi isn’t the shy wallflower type AT ALL. Haha! Keep pressing your advantage, Qiqi! 😍
    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  4. Karate chop love

    I don’t know who is responsible for these sweet anecdote but know it’s 100% appreciated.