PeachCh79 - Food


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  1. The Medicine Man, knowledgeable in thousands of subjects and great cultivation furnaces: so I’m a human-shaped mosquito repeller now????

  2. I’m so glad Yuhu was saved in that way. Yeah, I love the hero coming in and saving the child scene, but it is really so fitting that she was spared by the woman who raised her, even if that woman isn’t willing to entirely do the right thing by defying the old crone outright. It adds that depth of character in the villain we had before and makes this story feel more three dimensional and realistic.
    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  3. At least she didn’t kill Yuhu, you did a good job on that. And I hope Yuhu will tell them the stuff about that guy from the second(?) prince.

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  4. It’s too bad Grandma Nutcase survived to take back the sect. It was probably about to go better without Weirdo Wuyin running it. I wonder if Dan Yi really didn’t know about the “medicine men” or if just wanted them to stop thinking they had a shot.