PeachCh177 - Kongshan


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  1. So glad to see that the inherent violence of geese and swans and something literally everyone in the world agrees on!

  2. Забавно, немного сходе с тем, что в русской народной сказке есть гуси-лебеди, тоже объединенные

  3. I don’t think I’m ever going to get tired of the Dan brothers tussling over Chen Ziqi’s attention 😄

  4. ».. the eagle said, after turning into muscular youth.« into a

    »The menial work of guarding the Sect’s gat was usually..« gate

    I totally agree!! We also had geese in the garden when I was little. I never got too near to the fence bc they were aggressive af and all you could hear was this sssss sound they let out. Best watch”dogs” one can have, eh? xD

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  5. Best and most accurate description of the sheer bloodthirsty ferocity of geese and swans I’ve seen yet. Need a guard animal? Dogs aren’t vicious enough? Get geese! Don’t get swans. At least geese can be trained to recognize their owner, and are quite loyal. Swans just want to murder everything.