PeachCh169 - Vanish


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    • Yeah, I’ve read many xianxia manhwa where the mc will go through a very painful body strengthening process. The bones will often get crushed and then remain even stronger than before. I believe this is what Qiqi is going through. I just hope they can get the ninth verse in time…

  1. Is it a body transformation?? Hope we can also successfully see a dragon, that’ll be a bit more exciting with the birds…

    Thanks for the chapter ♥️♥️

  2. My brain is just like “Why is it almost always Qiqi who has to suffer so much? D:”, hopefully they will find the ninth verse soon enough.

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  3. Maybe he’s laying an egg 😄. Childbirth is very painful. Hahaha the mean green phoenix girl would be so mad if they actually had a chick!