PeachCh164 - Human Form


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Translator's Note

Wang Fei means the “Legitimate Wife of a King”.

Translator's Note

This means older brother’s husband.

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  1. Qiqi: …these two grown up phoenixes not knowing how silly they look ahhh

    Didi: Mama, Saozi, my papa and gege don’t like me (ㄒoㄒ)

    Mama Phoenix: …

    Qiqi: …

    And so Birdie Dad and Birdie Gong ended up pushed out of their respective nests by their respective mates for ‘bullying’ the youngest baobao

    Didi smiles silly at Birdie Dad and Birdie Gong as they are thrown out tthe nest by their respective mates at night: Papa, Gege hihihi, good night~~

    Birdie Gong: …!

    Birdie Dad: … (๏_๏)

    Thanks for the new chapter~~ and can i just add hahaha the peahens probs be cursing the two peacocks out and pray they lose their feathers coz they be doing a mating dance in front of the peahens who were left hung and dry on the side to eat a mouthful of dog food, pfft hahaha

  2. Leave it to a Dan to almost fall off a railing trying to check for his own tail feathers 😂. When Dan Yi threw him at Qiqi I was thinking how much trickier that is with the solid, wobbly weight of a human baby. And then he turned into one!