PeachCh155 - Red Egg


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Translator's Note

Mifen is thin rice vermicelli.

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  1. Good thing Qiqi is good with kids. 😆

    Birdie Mom: “Would like worm balls, worm noodles or worm soup?” (At least she didn’t regurgitate into their mouths)Thank you

  2. Dan Yi: we can work hard to make little phoenix eggs

    Qiqi: …i can’t lay eggs…

    a few hours later

    Qiqi: …

    Dan Yi: … Egg?…

    Qiqi: adkdhdjsjskak

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  3. Hahahahaha~

    But I want to know too what the moms talked about xD (I already forgot, but did Chang Er know about DY’s real form? My brain says yes but I’m absolutely not sure..)

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  4. If it’s a prank, it’s hilarious but I hope it’s not. Super want to see Chen Ziqi turn into a little Chang’er 😄.