PeachCh152 - Salvation


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  1. Evil witch begone.. And that ogre lou something. Birdie dad kill them!!

    Thank god he arrived in time. He is so laidback he nearly lost his little baby. Aiish.

  2. Father in law! I got shivers! Chen Ziqi’s turn to meet the parents and Daddy sounds amazing 🤩

  3. Omo, Birdie Dad is still alive lolol He took his sweet time of 152 chapters to finally appear in person!

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  4. Omg that was so exciting. I was not breathing during the fight then laughing ass off at chicken 🐓 f*ckers!! 😂😂😂 so glad birdie-dad has arrived!!!!