Neck KissCh44 - I hate you

Yang Huaijin was arranged into an independent vacation villa, with a more stringent security system, and Feng Zhi was one of the few people guarding him.

This was an intentional arrangement by Chen Qi. He didn’t like Feng Zhi. Having an Alpha under his command whose strength surpassed his own made him very uncomfortable. At the same time, he also hated Yang Huaijin, who caused him trouble. When he had sent Feng Zhi to keep an eye on things before, others would do it covertly, but Feng Zhi openly became ‘friends’ with Yang Huaijin. Now that Feng Zhi had betrayed Yang Huaijin’s trust, Yang Huaijin despised him. Chen Qi saw this and sneered inwardly. Since there was a problem between the two of them, he deliberately arranged for them to be together to torment each other, killing two birds with one stone. fLOi d

The day after the escape attempt, Feng Zhi came to find Yang Huaijin and said, “0325 is dead.”

At that time, Yang Huaijin was lying in bed, with several ribs broken from the kicks, needing rest. Upon hearing Feng Zhi’s words, he first stared blankly, as if not understanding Feng Zhi’s meaning.

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Then, after a long time, he said, “Okay.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Mgbw atfc bc, atf akb ilnfv ecvfg atf rjwf gbbo, cfnfg rqfjxlcu jujlc. MWzLOX

0325 kjr vfjv. Tjcu Lejlplc’r PG cewyfg kjr 0330. Pc ojma, atfs kfgf ybat mjqaegfv bc atf rjwf vjs. Tjcu Lejlplc vlvc’a xcbk ktb atf cewyfgr lc yfakffc yfibcufv ab, yea atf olgra Ywfuj tf wfa joafg mbwlcu lc kjr 0325. Ktfs frmjqfv abufatfg, uba mjeuta abufatfg, jcv Tjcu Lejlplc cfnfg lwjulcfv atja 0325 kbeiv ajxf jii atf yijwf eqbc tlwrfio. Fcali 0325 vlfv, tf ralii vlvc’a xcbk atf batfg’r cjwf.

As time passed, and Yang Huaijin’s external injuries healed almost completely, he no longer had the energy to pay attention to Feng Zhi, because his ‘training’ had begun.

The so-called ‘training’ was the process of remodeling an Omega according to certain standards, from appearance to psychology, all needed to be transformed. It was simply inhuman torture, and this torture was not gradual. Here, no one treated Omega as human. The ‘instructors’ in charge of the ‘training’ didn’t care if the Omega could withstand the high-intensity training they set, only if the Omega was alive and met the physical data standards.

At first, Yang Huaijin firmly believed that he would never be ‘brainwashed’. Even if his body pretended to submit, his inner self would remain clear and normal. However, he soon discovered that no one was trying to ‘brainwash’ him. Here, there was no need to emphasize the lowliness of Omega; they simply weren’t treated as human. Omega’s life was completely different from that of normal people. They were kept in the basement, chained to sleep on the floor, taught daily how to bow and serve Alphas, fed various drugs, and subjected to training beyond their physical limits. After training each day, it felt like they had shed a layer of skin, surviving was already difficult, and there was simply no energy left to think about “who am I,” let alone “maintain normalcy” in their hearts.


In order to avoid being beaten, Yang Huaijin trained very hard, and his academic excellence allowed him to perform exceptionally well in any ‘training’ sessions compared to the average person. However, after a while, he couldn’t hold on anymore because of hunger.

Yang Huaijin enjoyed sports, and his physique was slightly taller than the average Omega. His body was judged as “too strong and healthy, not in line with standard Omega physique,” so from that day on, he was not given any food. He survived only on nutrient injections every day, while still having to endure the torturous ‘training’ during the day. After a few days, Yang Huaijin could hardly support himself anymore. He rolled on the floor at night, unable to sleep due to hunger.

The door of the basement was opened, and the person outside was very tall, blocking most of the light coming in from outside.

Yang Huaijin had no strength left to see who was outside the door. Today, he was struggling due to hunger, and his training performance was very poor, resulting in severe punishment. Since coming here, he had learned that there were so many ways to make someone suffer without leaving any scars. 4ik2Ue

He was handed a piece of bread, feeling its soft texture, which immediately lifted his spirits. He looked towards the person who came in.

Feng Zhi silently watched him, then placed an apple in his hand.

Yang Huaijin hastily stuffed the bread into his mouth and heard Feng Zhi say, “A-jin, hold on a little longer. I have something to take care of. Once it’s done, I will definitely take you away.”

Yang Huaijin ignored him, devouring the food until only the apple core was left. Someone who usually only ate the flesh of the apple and avoided the sour core now wanted to cram even the core into his mouth. Eventually, Feng Zhi grabbed his cheeks and snatched it away. rkLC J

“I hate you,” Yang Huaijin said.

After that, he ignored Feng Zhi, turned around, and curled up.

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  1. Glad this Chen Qi is already dead. The Anelli family and everyone behind in this omega trafficking should all die ┻⁠┻⁠︵⁠ヽ⁠(⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠︵⁠┻⁠┻