The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh83 - Help


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  1. Oh no I hope they are ok! And I hope Big Miss comes out soon 🥺

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  2. If Lin Shu goes out to help the little family, he can get away from those problematic factions. He definitely needs to do that.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Oh shoot, what is going on??!!

    Thank you for the update! Hope to see Ling Fengxiao soon and he can just straight up spoon feed Lin Shu the reality of their situation.

  4. I was thinking: Well done!! If you don’t feel like joining any faction, just say no. If they get offended, then that’s their problem. You don’t need anyone’s approval!

    And then LS says he’ll do what wifey says… 🤣

    Thanks for the chapter♡

    • hahaha. so true.. when i get to that part, i was thinking, wow LS is now starting to make his own decisions.. then next he said, its easier if LFX is here, he wud just follow her position.. haha hamster through and through

  5. Thanks for the chapter!

    For anyone who might be confused, the word for “help” and “ball” are very similar in pronunciation and writing. (Although I myself am a bit confused since I’m fairly certain that “help” is easier to write than “ball” since it has less strokes but maybe his handwriting is just that bad)

    • i also went to check on that and understood that yamao really didn’t know much words and in his haste must have written ‘ball’ instead.. fortunately Lin Shu was smart

  6. If he’s 18 now and Big Miss still thinks he’s a girl, that would be problematic. He should have a very male physique by this time.

    And oh, no, I really hope the Li family members are ok.