The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh82 - Extinction Void Art


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  1. Hehehe, good!

    A big and sonorous NO.😂

    And now he’s almost an Elder hamster!!!

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  2. Thanks for the chapter!!

    Omg the Demon Lord…… why did this feel kinda like clickbait?? Ah thank goodness there was a time skip! Won’t have to wait three years for the Big Miss!

  3. It has been two years already!! Just one year more and They can reunite. And it seems Lin Shu has made so much progress! Good for him.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Oof poor Link Shu lol

    Thank you for the chapter!!

  5. We are on volume 2 now. thank you everyone for your support and for all your patience 🙂 Thank you for all the kofi’s..

  6. I dunno why but I kinda feel like this demon Lord and immortal Yuehua reincarnated into the current MC and ML… If that’s true, MC being such an eccentric demon lord in his previous life is very funny lol.

    • i like that theory hahaha.. i can just imagine all those letters the demon lord had been writing for yuehua.. scum, dogshit, dog thief hahaha.. what kind of crazy love they had before neh?

  7. I feel kinda bad for this demon lord… dunno why. His end of life seems sad (╯︵╰,) hope that he reincarnated smoothly and found his immortal lord fast!

  8. I hesitated for a long time to read this chapter as I wasn’t sure if there would be a time skip. But thank goodness there is. Only read it today cause I saw the title if the new update …. 😅

  9. Bruh.

    That was the only expression I could make after reading the Demon Lord’s words. Wow, I want him to meet Tianjun master and have a few worda.