The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh73 - The Jiang Prefecture Affairs


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Translator's Note

The meaning of the term jianghu (江湖; jiānghú; gong1wu4; ‘rivers and lakes’) usually refers to the martial arts world of ancient China. At the time, it referred to the way of life of scholar-officials who distanced themselves from the circles of political power. In this sense, jianghu could be loosely interpreted as the way of life of a hermit.

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  1. AAAAHHHHHH!!! Lin Shu, you have the emotional capacity of a tea spoon.

    Cousin, Im going to miss you.. Dont go... There, just say it!!!!!!!!!

    thank you for the new chapter!

  2. Ahhh. Ling Xiao’s farewell was really touching. Lin Shu Will miss him so much… I Wonder If the cat Will hint him about the Big Miss.

    Thanks for the chapter!