The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh72 - Hu Qi


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  1. Thanks for the chapter!!

    And wow I thought they were done for but then the cat swooped in and saved the day! But why is it so scared when it’s so powerful ahahahaha

    • just probably because it’s just natural for any cats to be scared by just anything. even though how tough they are.. and cat feels, no matter how powerful he is, he is still confined as a cat..hehehe. I know my cats does too.. im not sure if im making any sense lol

  2. Hahaha

    Lin Shu’s just like me.

    If I can’t can’t get away, it is a common thing

    It’s just my terrible condition :C

    Thanks for the chapter♡🤣

  3. This cat is like our youngest (but biggest) cat. He’s afraid of his own shadow, but he has decapitated most of the child locks in this house while destroying some of our best cabinets. 😅