The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh71 - Picking Flowers


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  1. I’m glad that Lin Shu found a good way to fight with his Zither!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Thanks for the chapter!

    Hm this chapter was cool, but what’s up with all of these abstract moves?? Rainbow piercing the sun?? What?? Like, it sounds beautiful but really?

  3. I’m sure Lin Shu is very happy right now. I’m sure he misses being able to use a sword so the zither being a substitute is probably making him happy.

  4. Me:*Harvests the mushrooms to cook. *

    Do you want some. I also brought

    a few loaves of almond bread and

    cream bread and some herb butter.

    They pair well with stir-fried

    mushrooms. (≡^∇^≡)