The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh62 - The Oriole Behind


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Translator's Note

The Chinese Idiom The mantis stalks the cicadaunaware of the oriole behind (螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后), which the story behind the idiom comes from Shuo Yuan(说苑), refers to those who are attracted by immediate interests without thinking about the possible dangerous results.

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  1. Ohhh. Too Bad Yun Lan went down first… Now they have to save the cat AGAIN.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. I hope you guys had been reading coz the next chapter “The Mantra of Truth” will throw us all by surprise and question..even i dunno whatt and whyyy!!!

  3. Aaaah not the corpses! They’re all injured!! This cat really brought a lot of trouble huh!

    Thanks for the chapter Zaki and Rose! (I feel like you’re always dying in the mini theatre lol rip)

    • We are actually, this novel makes us whipping out pinyin dictionaries and other chinese stuff.. a lot of fighting sequence and other mind boggling terms.. we were like.. WHY CAN’T THEY JUST WRITE A SIMPLE ROMANCE EHHH???.. you know, strangers, meet each other, liked each other, have smutty sex, 3rd party come, get back together.. then boommm!.. these spiritual-thingy- thing-thing are not my thing but Im still glad we are able to get through it every chapter.. EA and ROSE are paweeesome..

  4. I was prepared to be given sugar when Ling Xiao asked Lin Shu to play the zither for him but…..those living corpses….just has to barge in at the time zzzzz

    Thank you for the chapter

    • yeah, made me face palmed.. I was also like.. “here we go, here we go, this gunna be the start” grinning crazy but then boomm! those living corpses are the bain of my heart tsk

  5. nothing’s gunna happen to the cat hehehe.. it will stay as a ‘docile’ kitty the whole way.. ‘docile’.. coughs

  6. So many people have already been infected. They were able to come into the mountain, pass the tests, only to have the infection activate. Yiiiiikes. That Northern Xia is so evil.