The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh63 - Mantra of Truth


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Translator's Note

An imperial guard or palace guard is a special group of troops (or a member thereof) of an empire, typically closely associated directly with the Emperor or Empress. Previously called the Dragon Guards in previous chapters but we are going to be referring them from now on as Imperial Guards

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  1. Mantra of truth🤔 wonder how did Ling Xiao gotten that mark.

    Haha! TL’s Mini theatre is so funny and interesting 😂Thank you for the chapter

    • wondering too.. maybe he was given that mark so as not to reveal his other identities and imperial blood or something.. If just in case he falls into the hands of the enemies..but if its from Bexia, couldn’t think abt it too.

      My cats are nasty.. If I could post their pics here I would hahaha

  2. “his castration was unabated!” — what does this mean?

    • to put it simply, with that swift sword it would be inevitable that he would be cut through, and it couldnt be stopped.. but to put it in historical words (or shud i say ancient way of life) .. castration- referrrd to a form of punishment, they will cut genitals and or parts of your genitals as a way to punish wrong doings, in the long run, castration has been refered to as being cut through as punishment. so here it maybe saying that his punishment is inevitable or literally “the cutting of his body cannot be stopped.” (i hope i didn’t murder this explanation) lol

      • Perhaps it’s an idiom in Chinese, but in English it sounds like he cut his own balls off…

    • that he might be, I say, might, be the imperial prince, or that he has other disguises. We might have noticed early on that these characters (LX, LFX, there might be others) their disguises are not just a one-time disguise that would not give a mark in the world. Seems both guise are being planned meticulously to form a separate well known individual. Im really not sure too. hehe I translate chapters as we go on :p

  3. Me reading this chapter: ????

    The plot thickens,,,hmmmm 🤔

    Thanks for the chapter! But hahahah your cats are really naughty!