The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh41 - The Sword Pavilion


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  1. Ohhh. They’re looking for Lin Shu!!! It was good he was disguised then!

    Shang Lingjian almost spilled the beans! He should be more discreet! He doesn’t know Who could be listening to them.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. I’m now wondering which current era LinShu is in? the past or the future? from his recollections I get the modern vibe, like in Cultivation Chat Group, and his surroundings are more ancient, it sounds his in the past but there’s the matter of his master. I’m now certain that it’s the same person… hmm…. so many mysteries

  3. I honestly always look forward to updates of this novel more than anything; it’s so interesting seeing how Lin Shu and Ling Fengxiao learn about each other (and make very funny incorrect assumptions about each other), and the way Ling Fengxiao cares for him is already very sweet. I really can’t wait until they both get closer to the truth about each other, and I’m very curious about the background plot that’s being revealed too! This is my favourite novel right now, and each update makes me so happy to see.

    Thank you so much for working on this! I hope you’re doing well.

  4. ” However, after all the world has very few rich women. You could not expect to have a rich wife, and hope that this wife had a good temperament as well.” Omg, LS 😂. And dang, the plot is thickening! Thanks for the chapter!

  5. “He had officially fallen from grace.”

    I.e. He is now officially a sugar baby. 😅

  6. I found that in author’s novels, the protagonist always, I mean always looks weak in the beginning. But, he’s the key to solve the problem.

    And he’s got ML to protect him in every step that he took. Not always badass but unusually sharp smart (well not in this novel) (~ ̄³ ̄)~

    But he still cute (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )

  7. Oh, so that’s why Big Miss was determined to find “her” fiance. He’s from the powerful Sword Pavilion. If “she”married him, they would be inadvertently picking a side.

    This author amazes me so much. She wrote Little Mushroom, wonderful world building in there, but it isn’t obvious that she wrote this one, too. Because it’s so vastly different. The only thing in common: world building is chef’s kiss.