The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh42 - Waiting for a Bamboo


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  1. It’s so sad the old man’ story!

    Hahaha. Lin Shu should thank those boys for helping Ling Fengxiao to choose that sword for him!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. She “hate” Folding Bamboo. Haha thanks for the chapter!

  3. Aww, Fengxiao helping LS achieve his dream while still hiding his identity. The joy of being a kept man, indeed.

    Also, LOL at how Fengxiao deceived elder Yue.Poor elder Yue.Thanks for sharing!

  4. Sometimes I’d imagine … Doesn’t the original owner of that appearance mc used, should come forward to clear things up? Also, what’s the follow up with her case 😅 is she still using mc’s og face or what face is she using (also esp if her face is near to what mc is using/was punished with). Quite the huge and headache-inducing misunderstanding aiyo

  5. Poor Old Yue. 😭

    Whoever originally owns folding bamboo’s face should be careful. 😔
    Big Miss is very smart. She basically hit two birds with one stone: give the sword to it’s rightful owner + confuse any lingering spies.