The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh189.2 - Capture


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  1. The mirror showed Lin Shu to be stabbed in the heart in the wedding room.. I hope it doesn’t come true..

  2. I just remembered the mirror thing….

    hope it doesn’t happen or its gonna become emotional again.

    they already suffered enough so author pleaseeeeeeeeeeee PLEASEEEEEEE DON’T MAKE THEM SUFFER AGAIN PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH.

    thank you for the chapter!

  3. All the suffering..because of his mothers’ obsession……

    I cried at first…then my tears stopped when I reached the bottom…what the….

    But will the thing on the mirror really….

    I will be waiting..T^T

  4. Aiya… I’m holding out for the heart stab scene to not happen but I still rhink it will happen considering how they can’t seem to escapr from fate.

    But who knows, it might just be the trigger to let us find out why he went to the future and why he ended up in the past right now.

    Jiayou, Lin Shu!