The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh14 - A Salted Fish


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Translator's Note


(大祭酒 is apparently someone who offers wine to the king or before a ritual, but I wasn’t quite sure on how to translate it…)

Translator's Note

(meaning that all white horses are horses, but not all horses are white horses.)

Translator's Note

(translated to Mountain Peeking over the Sun and Moon)

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  1. What’s this my eyes are seeing?! I’m not hallucinating! It’s a New chapter!!!

    I’m really glad. Thanks so much for your Hard work!

    Lin Shu can’t be like his old life, there are so many nice People interested in him. Ling Fengxiao is not exactly nice, but I bet he won’t let him be by himself.

    Thanks for the chapter!