The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh110 - Superficial Couple


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Translator's Note

In China, the sunflower was a symbol of holiness and fertility, and its color is a symbol of vitality and energy.

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  1. LOLLL THIS chapter was tooo funnyy 😭😭

    Well at least they finally cleared everything up, cant wait to see how they’ll interact now

  2. The way he is so sad when he realizes that he can’t have a daughter makes me so soft 🥺. But maybe they can adopt or something!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. I couldn’t stop laughing at the yingying part omg.But they have magic flowers that can do supernatural things,surely there’s some method to have a child between two men

    • Tbh that’s what I was thinking. With all the magic and cultivation, living thousands of years blah blah, two guys should be able to have a kid through some ritual. Im not even talking like mpreg, but maybe they offer up years of their own cultivation powers and the heavens give them an instant baby? Something like that.

  4. ahhh, I just went missing a couple of weeks cause of my job and left when Lin Shu recieved Beauty’s Grace and now I come back and find they lost Yingying 😭😭😭

    Although reading 11 chapters in a row was great.

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  5. I can imagine that this is a particularly heartbreaking scene. It’s like when you’re a guy who online dated an MMORPG guildmate, being deeply in love and all that, and then finding out, when you finally meet in person, that you’re both men. Happened to some of my friends, and it was really tragic. At least I know that this is BL, so I know it’s going to have a happy ending, but if we didn’t know that this is BL, this will hurt a lot. 😭 Yingying.