Mr Xie And His CatCh53 - Promise


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Translator's Note

I was imagining a pleasant fragrance like flowers and this sentence appeared and I immediately smelt blood. Ew.

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  1. Maybe the flow is weird because of the dream ? Dunno. The dream is way more described than the other scenes sooooo

    Thank you for that cute chapter anyway :heart:

  2. Xie Yan’s so unique ofcourse things would be odd to normal. The silly cat was so used to his temperament. 😂

    They’re so cute, I want more updateees.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. They are so cute >w< Relationships should be built on trust! Hope this poision will be cleared soon~

    Thank You for the new chapter (੭ ›ω‹ )੭⁾⁾♡

  4. I’m more interested of who or what is trying to take control of his mind/body and if it is just smth in his dreams or reality.

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  5. maybe odd because author said they maybe cut short this story for health reason like in certain prev chapters a/n? the one thing i feel weird is how qinghuai didn’t associate xie yan’s red eyes with his nightmares immediately.

    thank you for the chapter!