Mr Xie And His CatCh36 - Detoxification


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Translator's Note

Moxibustion is a form of therapy that entails the burning of mugwort leaves. It is a small, spongy herb that is believed to enhance healing with acupuncture. As such, the leaves are burnt close to the skin’s surface using a stick to apply heat.‌ Taken from WebMD.

Translator's Note

I think there are usually a total of 72 needles in a set, though I can’t recall where I read it and also can’t find on the internet whoops. There are cases of there being more than 72 needles but 72 should be the norm.

Translator's Note

Not the message he sent

Translator's Note

Again, not the message he sent

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  1. 72 needles?! I think I’m about to just thinking about it. Poor kitten 🙁

    Also,,it’s totally fine that you missed a few updates. Life is tiring so please take care of yourself!!!

  2. I just hope that our kitten won’t have any sequelae from that D:

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و Hopefully your body could tolerate the boost just fine :3

  3. Xy: you hurt my kitty hubby!! “ god of war came online! o(`ω´ )o 、light a candle for shopkeeper. Lol. Thank you