Marshal, Please Calm DownCh077 - Gathering Again


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  1. Hang in there! It won’t kill you, I promise…it’ll only feel like it will

    Thanks so much for the chapter


  2. As soon as the Marshall came into the room, shouldn’t they all have been saluting? Just saying….

  3. I’m so happy you updated! Thanks for this. School has been really harsh and bl novels are what’s getting me through them. Stay strong and let’s survive 💪

  4. It really has been difficult u-u And lmaooo Scott lowkey marking Momo as his through Caesar xD

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  5. I missed this story so much!!!! Thank you for the chapter!!! Marshal’s jealousy so obvious!!!🤭☺

  6. This semester is destroying everyone, I think. I’ve never been so exhausted. Thanks nforbthe update, though. You’re very appreciated!

  7. Everyone is reunited and our lovely translator is back too hurray!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  8. Thanks for the update! Hang in there. I hope the semester ends well. I’m glad Wu Zimo’s friends are doing well, but I wonder what it will take for Wu Zimo to confess that he’s a guide.

  9. Good luck! You can do it!

    Thx for the chapter!!!<3

  10. This semester will destroy me 🗿

    Thank you so much for the chapter 💜💜💜

  11. Reading on MTLnovel.. great but my English grammar and vocabulary will jump to the ocean and never found again 😭😭😏…

  12. MWAhaHAHAHAHAHA he can finally spread his own dog food now instead of only eating it!! (although he’s not aware of it…)