Marshal, Please Calm DownCh024 - Rocard: Curse You Scott, Remain a Single Dog Forever!


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  1. I think if you wanted to go through his back door, you only need to say it and he’ll probably lay out a red carpet for you lols

    Thank you for the chapter!!!

  2. Thanks for the update ❤️

    Wu Zimo, don’t be too bold.

    Or else, your identity will be revealed.

  3. I really want to know who Rocard sent that stuff to. The Marshal since it was encrypted? Everyone in the Heaven’s Wrath Corps? Or did he upload it only the StarNetwork for everyone to see since Wu Zimo said that he felt “malice from the universe”? Either way, if Wu Zimo finds out, Rocard is screwed. He’ll be put through virtual hell by Wu Zimo’s online revenge.

  4. So Wu Zimo going kick Mocca in being a bait again?

  5. I wouldn’t compare Wu Zimo to a child – children aren’t stupid, most of the time they simply don’t have enough background knowledge. So, apart from his “geniusness” Wu Zimo is like a really, and I mean REALLY, dumb teenager. Could it be that transmigrating into a younger person’s body adversely affected his brain? 🤔

    Thank you for the chapter!

    • Human male brains don’t finish properly developing until they’re 25 or something, so it wouldn’t be that farfetched if Wu Zimo was influenced by his body’s new one. His current behaviour is probably the result of an amalgamation of his original natural curiosity and personality, and the recklessness and hormones of youth.

    • Also…geniuses tend to be a bit…different in one aspect or another. Like Einstein couldn’t do simple things like add 2+2. And like savants (if you’ve ever seen Rainman you’d know what I am talking about). And some are considered eccentric. Maybe it’s the universe’s way of evening things out lol. So him being so simple in some aspects even though he’s a genius isn’t that surprising

  6. I can never see the words ‘back door’ the same ever again since I’ve begun reading bl! 😂

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  7. Pffttt Great God Mo is on the loose once again. After being fed so much dog food, he’s had enough!

  8. Woot! Ty for the chapter! >.> I might have woken my hubby up laughing as loud as I was at the, “…malice from the universe.”