Marshal, Please Calm DownCh023 - The Ability the Great God Mo Displayed is Only the Tip of the Iceberg


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Translator's Note

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      • Isn’t it similar to the Zerg code? I vaguely remember WZM saying that it was similar to something he had seen before, and the Marshal would have seen the Zerg code they gathered, so if it’s similar to the coding of earth, that would explain why

        • But then why won’t WZ remember what it the code felt similar to? He should be very familiar with his coding to not associate it.

  1. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px ‘Helvetica Neue’}

    Thanks for the chapter! Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! So they haven’t discovered yet that they are being used, lol.

  2. Does the similarity mean like, similar to the zerg? I think I remember Wu zimo mentioning that he felt familiarity with the zergs code. Does our martial think he’s an enemy zerg? Kekekeke

  3. Thinking back, I think Wu Zimo also saw a certain information that looks familiar to him. The one from the first time he walked within the Heaven’s Wrath Corps’ info system.

  4. I think the days of Wu Zimo staying under the radar are ending soon! Poor Mocca. Work hard! Hopefully, they will fight together in the future. Thanks for the update!

  5. he just… shared it? his team’s secret weapon? with a group of 3 teams that could’ve been one and gotten the same benefits, yet decided to split into three to make sure others also couldn’t get the benefits? … 🙁 am I the one that’s too selfish?????

  6. hehe what if the marshal is that F guy- his old enemy

    that would be funny lmao but I wonder how they would reconcile their difference of opinions if so

    or it has something to do with Zerg code, in which I wonder why there’s such a similarity? are Zergs related to old humans somehow?

  7. Is it possible that WZM is actually a parasitic zerg? Is there a novel that has something like that? That the transmigrator is a parasitic zerg that occupies the og body. Its the same in the anime parasite. Sharing the body.