Marshal, Please Calm DownCh021 - A Protagonist’s Halo Isn’t Always a Good Thing


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Translator's Note

Shiru: Gdi they pretty much are a couple already smh

Translator's Note

senseless, unrestricted

Translator's Note

妈的智障 -> Fucking stupid

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  1. Ty for your hard work! Yea on exams being done! And yesss! Loving this story, catch myself stalking and hunting for more chapters constantly. It is so sweet and funny!

  2. It’s nice seeing a positive het couple. I feel like there will definitely be some top notch harmonization coming 😋😏

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. Wuwuwuwuw where’s our Marshal? I hope Marshal would check the harmonization rate between him and MC, so that he would found out MC is his guide!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍

    I love LPP. A comrade!!! 😍😍😍😍

    • Wellll… his strong interest in him is likely related to that harmonisation rate.

      What I wonder is how hard it actually is for sentinels to tell he is a guide. His spiritual power is unusually strong and they should at least notice that… right?

  4. So will Wu Zimo say to Sarah to punch Mocca every time, he shows dog food to everybody?

  5. It’s the first novel that stuffed me full with dog food from other couples even before I get to taste those from the main pairing

    _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_ (*teeny bit frustrated*)

    Thanks for the update 💕

  6. But we truly know he is the protagonist soooo 100% harmonisation it is! ☺️

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  7. Thank you for the update! There is no development in our main couple’s relationship, but getting to know the side couples is great too! Li Peng Peng and Mocca are so funny. I refuse to believe that Lyle and Salah are not already together. I predict that Wu Zimo and his Marshall are going to be the one couple that has 100% harmonization. But somehow, I think they are going to find out in a humorous, probably embarassing way. I can’t wait!

  8. Another story I’ve become addicted to….


    Thanks for the translation!

  9. What’s with this story, only serving other ppl’s dog foods. Where’s mc amd ml’s dog food????!!!!!! When???!!! Why???!!!

  10. Wu Zimo IS the protagonist, sooooo definitely he’ll have the 100 % harmonization, I bet. Poor boy hahaha.

    Thanks for the chapter!