Marshal, Please Calm DownCh022 - The Ability the Great God Mo Displayed is Only the Tip of the Iceberg


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Translator's Note

Shiru: see, already like a wife

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  1. I understand that Pengpeng is helping calm Mocca down, but I feel like I’ve just been fed more dog food right at the end of the chapter somehow (from all the dog food Mocca and Pengpeng have already been feeding us…)

  2. Other storied: Main CP are demonstrating PDA wherever they go

    This story: Everyone BUT the main CP are creating PDA wherever they go

    Wu Zimo: What is all this dog food?!

  3. I thought our protag would get to show off a bit more, but at the end there we just had to watch as the Great God Mo’s awesomeness was buried under all that dog food.

    (+1 for Salah who took Wu Zimo away from the danger zone as soon as he realised what was going on)

  4. This isn’t even a slow burn type of novel yet the burn seems especially slow…???

    My jaw is tired of eating up side CP dog food……

  5. So Wu Zimo going said that the spiritual storm should be like a wet dream next chapter?

  6. While I’m all for sharing, I really don’t want Wu Zhimo to share this system because than they wouldn’t be able to get into top 3. It is better if the team Mocca is leading have a disadvantage.

  7. Somehow, I get the feeling that Wu Zimo is going to need to use this technique in the future. I’m amused by how much dog food we are getting. Doesn’t the Marshall want a chance to feed us dog food too? But I’m enjoying the side cp dog food too. Thanks for the update!

  8. Wu Zimo’s answer was that amazing for Mocca? Fortunately, Li Pengpeng was there to calm him down.

    Thanks for the chapter!